iLLD_TC27xD  1.0
Standard interface: Multi-channels, dual-complementary PWM interface
Collaboration diagram for Standard interface: Multi-channels, dual-complementary PWM interface:


IFX_INLINE boolean IfxStdIf_PwmHl_setDeadtime (IfxStdIf_PwmHl *stdIf, float32 deadtime)
 Set the dead time in s. More...
IFX_INLINE float32 IfxStdIf_PwmHl_getDeadtime (IfxStdIf_PwmHl *stdIf)
 Return the dead time in s. More...
IFX_INLINE boolean IfxStdIf_PwmHl_setMinPulse (IfxStdIf_PwmHl *stdIf, float32 minPulse)
 Set the minimum pulse time in s. More...
IFX_INLINE float32 IfxStdIf_PwmHl_getMinPulse (IfxStdIf_PwmHl *stdIf)
 Return the minimum pulse time in s. More...
IFX_INLINE Ifx_Pwm_Mode IfxStdIf_PwmHl_getMode (IfxStdIf_PwmHl *stdIf)
 Return the PWM mode. More...
IFX_INLINE boolean IfxStdIf_PwmHl_setMode (IfxStdIf_PwmHl *stdIf, Ifx_Pwm_Mode mode)
 Set the pwm mode. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxStdIf_PwmHl_setOnTime (IfxStdIf_PwmHl *stdIf, Ifx_TimerValue *tOn)
 Set the pwm ON time. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxStdIf_PwmHl_setupChannels (IfxStdIf_PwmHl *driver, boolean *activeCh, boolean *stuckSt)
 Set channels which are generating PWM or in "stuck-at" state. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxStdIf_TimerIfxStdIf_PwmHl_getTimer (IfxStdIf_PwmHl *stdIf)
 Return the timer standard interface used by the IfxStdIf_PwmHl standard interface. More...

Detailed Description

The standard interface pwm high/low (PwmHl) abstract the hardware used for pwm feature. It provide, after proper initialization an hardware independant way to interact with the PWM functionallity like setting duty cycles, dead time,timer functionalities, ...

The figure below shows the standard Multi-channels, dual-complementary PWM interface.

Standard Multi-channels, dual-complementary PWM interface

This PWM interface provides multiple dual-complementary PWM channels. Each dual-complementary PWM channel is made of two PWM channels, a top channel CCx and a bottom channel COUTx. The interface implements the Standard interface: Timer.

This interface defines the following features:

Example of signal generation in center aligned mode:

Standard Multi-channels, dual-complementary PWM interface - Center aligned mode

Function Documentation

IFX_INLINE float32 IfxStdIf_PwmHl_getDeadtime ( IfxStdIf_PwmHl stdIf)

Return the dead time in s.

It returns the last dead time values set by IfxStdIf_PwmHl_SetDeadtime() or during initialisation

driverPointer to the interface driver object
Returns the deadtime in second

Definition at line 183 of file IfxStdIf_PwmHl.h.

IFX_INLINE float32 IfxStdIf_PwmHl_getMinPulse ( IfxStdIf_PwmHl stdIf)

Return the minimum pulse time in s.

It returns the last minimum pulse time values set by IfxStdIf_PwmHl_SetMinPulse() or during initialisation

driverPointer to the interface driver object
Returns the minimum pulse time in second

Definition at line 197 of file IfxStdIf_PwmHl.h.

IFX_INLINE Ifx_Pwm_Mode IfxStdIf_PwmHl_getMode ( IfxStdIf_PwmHl stdIf)

Return the PWM mode.

It returns the last pwm mode set by IfxStdIf_PwmHl_SetMode() or during initialisation

driverPointer to the interface driver object
Returns the pwm mode

Definition at line 204 of file IfxStdIf_PwmHl.h.

IFX_INLINE IfxStdIf_Timer* IfxStdIf_PwmHl_getTimer ( IfxStdIf_PwmHl stdIf)

Return the timer standard interface used by the IfxStdIf_PwmHl standard interface.

stdIfpointer to the IfxStdIf_PwmHl object
Returns the pointer to the IfxStdIf_Timer object

Definition at line 232 of file IfxStdIf_PwmHl.h.

IFX_INLINE boolean IfxStdIf_PwmHl_setDeadtime ( IfxStdIf_PwmHl stdIf,
float32  deadtime 

Set the dead time in s.

driverPointer to the interface driver object
deadtimedeadtime in second
Return values
TRUEIn case of success
FALSEIn case of failure

Definition at line 176 of file IfxStdIf_PwmHl.h.

IFX_INLINE boolean IfxStdIf_PwmHl_setMinPulse ( IfxStdIf_PwmHl stdIf,
float32  minPulse 

Set the minimum pulse time in s.

driverPointer to the interface driver object
minPulseminimal pulse in second
Return values
TRUEIn case of success
FALSEIn case of failure

Definition at line 190 of file IfxStdIf_PwmHl.h.

IFX_INLINE boolean IfxStdIf_PwmHl_setMode ( IfxStdIf_PwmHl stdIf,
Ifx_Pwm_Mode  mode 

Set the pwm mode.

driverPointer to the interface driver object
modePWM mode
Return values
TRUEIn case of success
FALSEIn case of failure (feature not supported)

Definition at line 211 of file IfxStdIf_PwmHl.h.

IFX_INLINE void IfxStdIf_PwmHl_setOnTime ( IfxStdIf_PwmHl stdIf,
Ifx_TimerValue tOn 

Set the pwm ON time.

driverPointer to the interface driver object
tOnPointer to an array of ON times in ticks. The array size must be equal to the number of PWM channels

Definition at line 218 of file IfxStdIf_PwmHl.h.

IFX_INLINE void IfxStdIf_PwmHl_setupChannels ( IfxStdIf_PwmHl driver,
boolean activeCh,
boolean stuckSt 

Set channels which are generating PWM or in "stuck-at" state.

driverPointer to the interface driver object
activeChPointer to boolean array containing values for PWM channels. If FALSE, the channel will be in stuck-at state, else the channel will generate PWM.
stuckStPointer to boolean array containing values for active channels. If FALSE, the stuck-at state is passive level, else the stuck-at state is active level.
The values for the parameters are arranged as follows: index = 0 –> phase 0 top index = 1 –> phase 0 bottom index = 2 –> phase 1 top index = 3 –> phase 1 bottom index = 4 –> phase 2 top index = 5 –> phase 2 bottom

Definition at line 225 of file IfxStdIf_PwmHl.h.