iLLD_TC27xD  1.0
Standard interface
Collaboration diagram for Standard interface:


 Standard interface: Data Pipe
 Standard interface: Position interface
 Standard interface: Multi-channels, dual-complementary PWM interface
 Standard interface: Timer

Detailed Description

Term Description
Standard Interface Interface defined in this document
Interface Driver Specific device driver as defined by the iLLD
Standard Interface Driver Specific interface driver which implements the Standard Interface
API used at runtime API that are used after initialization
The Standard Interface provides generic runtime API written in C for common use case application. It abstracts the underlaying Interface Driver, i.e. the runtime API is completely device independent. It provides generic API for common use case application.

Example of Standard Interface:

The target is to be able to exchange the microcontroller or external connected devices on which the application is based with a minimal impact on the application code, to reduce the application software development and maintenance effort. This is archived by the Standard Interface, for which, changing the hardware only requires the update of the device configuration settings and the device initialization code. The API used at runtime, which represents the majority and the complexitity of the related code keep unchanged.

Motivation: because the current software developed for the automotive applications mainly don’t use C++, the Standard Interface provides a common definition for the device driver and an alternative layer for different hardware instead of using C++ interface wrapper class.

The below figure shows the layers used and an example of APIs used by the application.

Standard interface layers
Standard interface example: Serial interface as data pipe
Standard interface example: Timer

The Standard Interface is implemented by Standard Interface wrapper by providing the function pointer to the custom functions. This gives the possibility to the programmer to use it or not. When used, it increases the code portability but slightly decreases the performance in term of run time execution and code size. When not used, the performance is not affected.

The standard interface requires the definition of at least two components: the standard interface component and the standard interface wrapper component. The standard interface component defines for each standard interface a standard interface object and a set of standard APIs used at runtime by the application. The standard interface wrapper component initializes the standard interface component by linking it to the interface driver.
: The application shall explicitly use the API provided by the standard interface component at runtime to access driver’s parameters (setter/ getter) or action (methods). Trying to access members of the standard interface component directly though the object may not guaranty future code compatibility. The same applies to the interface driver (reminder).

The Standard interface defines the following files:

Path/File Description
1_SrvSw/StdIf/IfxStdIf.h Global standard interface definitions
1_SrvSw/StdIf/IfxStdIf_<std interface>="">.h Specific standard interface definitions
TCxxx/<Module>/Ifx<Module>_<interface>.h/c Specific standard interface wrapper initialization API are reconized by the name Ifx<Module>_<interface>_StdIf<std interface>Init()
TCxxx/<Module>/Ifx<Module>_<interface>.h/c Specific standard interface wrapper function API are named according to the interface driver naming rules