iLLD_TC27xD  1.0
Data Structures
Collaboration diagram for Data Structures:

Data Structures

struct  IfxEray_Eray_Gtu01Config
 GTU01 configuration. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Gtu02Config
 GTU02 configuration. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Gtu03Config
 GTU03 configuration. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Gtu04Config
 GTU04 configuration. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Gtu05Config
 GTU05 configuration. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Gtu06Config
 GTU06 configuration. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Gtu07Config
 GTU07 configuration. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Gtu08Config
 GTU08 configuration. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Gtu09Config
 GTU09 configuration. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Gtu10Config
 GTU10 configuration. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Gtu11Config
 GTU11 configuration. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_GTUConfig
 Gloabl Timing Unit configuration structure. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_NodeA
 Pins configuration structure for Node A. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_NodeB
 Pins configuration structure for Node B. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Prtc1Control
 Protocol operation control properties. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Prtc2Control
 Wakeup symbol control properties. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Succ1Config
 communication controller control properties. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Succ2Config
 Communication listen timeout properties. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Succ3Config
 Clock correction fail properties. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_ControllerConfig
 Communication Controller configuration structure. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Interrupt
 Interrupt control properties. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_MessageRAMConfig
 Message RAM configuration structure. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray
 ERAY Module handle. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_BufferReconfig
 Reconfigurable buffer structure. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_Config
 Module configuration structure. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_NodeConfig
 Node configuration structure. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_ReceiveControl
 Receive control properties structure. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_ReceivedFrame
 Received Frame. More...
struct  IfxEray_Eray_TransmitControl
 Transfer control in a slot. More...

Detailed Description

Data Structure Documentation

struct IfxEray_Eray_Gtu01Config

GTU01 configuration.

Definition at line 514 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint32 microticksPerCycle Duration of the communication cycle in Microticks.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Gtu02Config

GTU02 configuration.

Definition at line 521 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint16 macroticksPerCycle Duration of the communication cycle in Macroticks.
uint8 maxSyncFrames Maximum number of sync frames in a cluster.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Gtu03Config

GTU03 configuration.

Definition at line 529 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint8 channelAMacrotickInitialOffset difference between two adjacent static slots on channel A in macroticks.
uint8 channelAMicrotickInitialOffset difference between adjacent time reference points on channel A in microticks.
uint8 channelBMacrotickInitialOffset difference between two adjacent static slots on channel B in macroticks.
uint8 channelBMicrotickInitialOffset difference between adjacent time reference points on channel B in microticks.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Gtu04Config

GTU04 configuration.

Definition at line 539 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint16 correctionOffset offset correction start point.
uint16 networkStartIdleTime starting point of Network Idle Time Phase.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Gtu05Config

GTU05 configuration.

Definition at line 547 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint8 channelAReceptionDelay reception delay on channel A.
uint8 channelBReceptionDelay reception delay on channel B.
uint8 clusterDrift cluster drift damping value used in clock synchronization.
uint8 decodingCorrection decoding correction to determine the primary time reference point.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Gtu06Config

GTU06 configuration.

Definition at line 557 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint16 acceptedStartupDeviation expanded range of measured deviation for startup Frames during integration.
uint16 maxDriftOffset maximum drift offset between two nodes.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Gtu07Config

GTU07 configuration.

Definition at line 565 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint16 staticSlotLength duration of static slot in macroticks.
uint16 staticSlotsCount number of static slots in a communication cycle.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Gtu08Config

GTU08 configuration.

Definition at line 573 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint16 dynamicSlotCount number of dynamic slots in a communication cycle.
uint8 dynamicSlotLength duration of dynamic slot in macroticks.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Gtu09Config

GTU09 configuration.

Definition at line 581 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint8 dynamicActionPoint dynamic slots action point.
IfxEray_IdleDynamicSlots idleDynamicSlots duration of dynamic slot idle phase.
uint8 staticActionPoint static slots and symbol window action point.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Gtu10Config

GTU10 configuration.

Definition at line 590 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint16 maxOffsetCorrection maximum offset correction to be applied by the internal clock synchronization algorithm.
uint16 maxRateCorrection maximum rate correction to be applied by the internal clock synchronization algorithm.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Gtu11Config

GTU11 configuration.

Definition at line 598 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
IfxEray_ExternalOffset externalOffset External offset correction control.
IfxEray_ExternalOffsetCorrection externalOffsetCorrection External clock offset correction value.
IfxEray_ExternalRate externalRate External rate correction control.
IfxEray_ExternalRateCorrection externalRateCorrection External clock rate correction value.
struct IfxEray_Eray_GTUConfig

Gloabl Timing Unit configuration structure.

Definition at line 612 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Collaboration diagram for IfxEray_Eray_GTUConfig:
Data Fields
IfxEray_Eray_Gtu01Config gtu01Config GTU01 configuration.
IfxEray_Eray_Gtu02Config gtu02Config GTU02 configuration.
IfxEray_Eray_Gtu03Config gtu03Config GTU03 configuration.
IfxEray_Eray_Gtu04Config gtu04Config GTU04 configuration.
IfxEray_Eray_Gtu05Config gtu05Config GTU05 configuration.
IfxEray_Eray_Gtu06Config gtu06Config GTU06 configuration.
IfxEray_Eray_Gtu07Config gtu07Config GTU07 configuration.
IfxEray_Eray_Gtu08Config gtu08Config GTU08 configuration.
IfxEray_Eray_Gtu09Config gtu09Config GTU09 configuration.
IfxEray_Eray_Gtu10Config gtu10Config GTU10 configuration.
IfxEray_Eray_Gtu11Config gtu11Config GTU11 configuration.
struct IfxEray_Eray_NodeA

Pins configuration structure for Node A.

Definition at line 629 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Collaboration diagram for IfxEray_Eray_NodeA:
Data Fields
IfxPort_PadDriver pinDriver the pad driver mode which should be configured.
const IfxEray_Rxd_In * rxIn the RX Pin which should be configured.
IfxPort_InputMode rxInMode the RX pin input mode which should be configured
const IfxEray_Txen_Out * txEnOut the TXEN Pin which should be configured.
IfxPort_OutputMode txEnOutMode the TXEN pin output mode which should be configured.
const IfxEray_Txd_Out * txOut the TX Pin which should be configured.
IfxPort_OutputMode txOutMode the TX pin output mode which should be configured.
struct IfxEray_Eray_NodeB

Pins configuration structure for Node B.

Definition at line 642 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Collaboration diagram for IfxEray_Eray_NodeB:
Data Fields
IfxPort_PadDriver pinDriver the pad driver mode which should be configured.
const IfxEray_Rxd_In * rxIn the RX Pin which should be configured.
IfxPort_InputMode rxInMode the RX pin input mode which should be configured
const IfxEray_Txen_Out * txEnOut the TXEN Pin which should be configured.
IfxPort_OutputMode txEnOutMode the TXEN pin output mode which should be configured.
const IfxEray_Txd_Out * txOut the TX Pin which should be configured.
IfxPort_OutputMode txOutMode the TX pin output mode which should be configured.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Prtc1Control

Protocol operation control properties.

Definition at line 655 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
IfxEray_Baudrate baudrate baud rate on the flexray bus.
uint8 collisionAvoidanceDuration accepted duration of collision avoidance symbol.
uint8 receiveWakeupTestDuration duration of received wakeup pattern in bit times.
IfxEray_StrobePosition strobePosition sample count value for strobing.
uint16 transmissionStartTime duration of transmission start time.
uint8 transmitWakeupRepetitions duration of transmitted wakeup pattern in bit times.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Prtc2Control

Wakeup symbol control properties.

Definition at line 667 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint8 receiveWakeupIdleTime duration of received wakeup symbol idle phase.
uint8 receiveWakeupLowTime duration of received wakeup symbol low phase.
uint8 transmitWakeupIdleTime duration of transmit wakeup symbol idle phase.
uint8 transmitWakeupLowTime duration of transmit wakeup symbol low phase.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Succ1Config

communication controller control properties.

Definition at line 677 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
boolean channelAConnectedNode whether the node is connected to channel A.
boolean channelASymbolTransmitted selects channel A for MTS symbol transmission.
boolean channelBConnectedNode whether the node is connected to channel B.
boolean channelBSymbolTransmitted selects channel B for MTS symbol transmission
boolean clockSyncErrorHalt transition to HALT state due to a clock synchronization error.
uint8 maxColdStartAttempts maximum number of attempts that a cold starting node is permitted.
uint8 numberOfCyclePairsForActive number of even / odd cycle pairs that must have valid clock correction terms.
boolean startupFrameTransmitted whether the key slot is used to transmit startup Frames.
boolean syncFrameTransmitted whether the key slot is used to transmit SYNC Frames.
IfxEray_TransmissionSlotMode transmissionSlotMode Initial transmission mode.
IfxEray_WakeupChannel wakeupPatternChannel Wakeup pattern carry channel.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Succ2Config

Communication listen timeout properties.

Definition at line 694 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint32 listenTimeOut wakeup or startup listen timeout in microticks.
IfxEray_ListenTimeOutNoise listenTimeOutNoise upper limit for startup and wakeup listen timeout in the presence of noise.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Succ3Config

Clock correction fail properties.

Definition at line 702 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint8 clockCorrectionCyclesHalt maximum number of cycles missing clock correctionlead to active or passive to halt.
uint8 clockCorrectionCyclesPassive maximum number of cycles missing clock correction lead active to passive state.
struct IfxEray_Eray_ControllerConfig

Communication Controller configuration structure.

Definition at line 714 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Collaboration diagram for IfxEray_Eray_ControllerConfig:
Data Fields
IfxEray_Eray_GTUConfig gtuConfig gloabl timing unit configuration structure.
uint8 latestTransmissionStart number of dynamic slots before inhibit frame transmission in dynamic segment.
uint32 networkVectorLength length of network management vector.
IfxEray_Eray_Prtc1Control prtc1Control protocol operation control properties.
IfxEray_Eray_Prtc2Control prtc2Control wakeup symbol control properties.
uint8 staticFramepayload payload length of static frame in double bytes.
IfxEray_Eray_Succ1Config succ1Config communication controller control properties.
IfxEray_Eray_Succ2Config succ2Config communication listen timeout properties.
IfxEray_Eray_Succ3Config succ3Config clock correction fail properties.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Interrupt

Interrupt control properties.

Definition at line 729 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
IfxSrc_Tos ibusyIsrProvider the input buffer interrupt service provider. CPU or DMA.
uint16 ibusyPriority the inputput buffer interrupt priority. Always 1 since all interrupts are handled at a time.
IfxSrc_Tos int0IsrProvider the interrupt line 0 service provider. CPU or DMA.
uint16 int0Priority the interrupt line 0 priority. Always 1 since all interrupts are handled at a time.
IfxSrc_Tos int1IsrProvider the interrupt line 1 service provider. CPU or DMA.
uint16 int1Priority the interrupt line 1 priority. Always 1 since all interrupts are handled at a time.
IfxSrc_Tos mbsc0IsrProvider the message buffer status changed interrupt 0 service provider. CPU or DMA.
uint16 mbsc0Priority the message buffer status changed interrupt 0 priority. Always 1 since all interrupts are handled at a time.
IfxSrc_Tos mbsc1IsrProvider the message buffer status changed interrupt 1 service provider. CPU or DMA.
uint16 mbsc1Priority the message buffer status changed interrupt 1 priority. Always 1 since all interrupts are handled at a time.
IfxSrc_Tos ndat0IsrProvider the new data interrupt 0 service provider. CPU or DMA.
uint16 ndat0Priority the new data interrupt 0 priority. Always 1 since all interrupts are handled at a time.
IfxSrc_Tos ndat1IsrProvider the new data interrupt 1 service provider. CPU or DMA.
uint16 ndat1Priority the new data interrupt 1 priority. Always 1 since all interrupts are handled at a time.
IfxSrc_Tos obusyIsrProvider the output buffer interrupt service provider. CPU or DMA.
uint16 obusyPriority the output buffer interrupt priority. Always 1 since all interrupts are handled at a time.
IfxSrc_Tos tint0IsrProvider the timer interrupt line 0 service provider. CPU or DMA.
uint16 tint0Priority the timer interrupt 0 priority. Always 1 since all interrupts are handled at a time.
IfxSrc_Tos tint1IsrProvider the timer interrupt line 1 service provider. CPU or DMA.
uint16 tint1Priority the timer interrupt 1 priority. Always 1 since all interrupts are handled at a time.
struct IfxEray_Eray_MessageRAMConfig

Message RAM configuration structure.

Definition at line 755 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Collaboration diagram for IfxEray_Eray_MessageRAMConfig:
Data Fields
boolean bufferReconfigEnabled whether reconfiguration of message buffers is enabled or not.
uint32 * data[128] data section of message buffer.
uint32 fifoBufferStartIndex message buffers assigned FIFO.
boolean fifoConfigured Whether receive FIFO configured or not.
uint8 fifoDepth fifo critical level.
boolean fifoNullFramesRejected whether null frames stored in fifo or not.
uint8 filteredCycleNumber the cycle set to which Frame ID and channel rejection filter are applied.
uint8 firstDynamicBuffer first dynamic buffer index.
uint16 frameIdFilter Frame ID used for rejection filtering.
IfxEray_Header * header[128] Header section of message buffer.
uint8 numberOfMessageBuffers last configured buffer.
IfxEray_ReceiveChannel receiveChannel FIFO receive channel.
uint16 rejectedFrameId frame ID to be rejected by the FIFO.
IfxEray_SlotConfig * slotControl[128] Transmit control properties.
boolean staticFifoDisabled fifo is not used in static segment.
struct IfxEray_Eray

ERAY Module handle.

Definition at line 792 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
Ifx_ERAY * eray pointer to ERAY module registers.
struct IfxEray_Eray_BufferReconfig

Reconfigurable buffer structure.

Definition at line 799 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Collaboration diagram for IfxEray_Eray_BufferReconfig:
Data Fields
uint32 data[64] data section of a reconfigurable buffer.
IfxEray_Header * header header of a reconfigurable buffer.
IfxEray_SlotConfig * slotControl message buffer configuration in message RAM.
struct IfxEray_Eray_Config

Module configuration structure.

Definition at line 808 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Collaboration diagram for IfxEray_Eray_Config:
Data Fields
IfxEray_Eray_Interrupt interrupt Interrupt control properties.
Ifx_ERAY * module pointer to ERAY module registers.
struct IfxEray_Eray_NodeConfig

Node configuration structure.

Definition at line 816 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Collaboration diagram for IfxEray_Eray_NodeConfig:
Data Fields
IfxEray_Eray_ControllerConfig controllerConfig Communication Controller configuration structure.
IfxEray_Eray_MessageRAMConfig messageRAMConfig Message RAM configuration structure.
const IfxEray_Eray_Pins * pins Pins configuration structure.
struct IfxEray_Eray_ReceiveControl

Receive control properties structure.

Definition at line 825 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint8 bufferIndex buffer index in the Message RAM.
boolean dataReceived whether data selected for transfer from Message RAM to Output Buffer or not.
boolean headerReceived whether header selected for transfer from Message RAM to Output Buffer or not.
boolean receiveRequested
boolean swapRequested whether output buffer shadow and output buffer host are swapped or not.
struct IfxEray_Eray_ReceivedFrame

Received Frame.

Definition at line 836 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Collaboration diagram for IfxEray_Eray_ReceivedFrame:
Data Fields
uint32 data[64] received data in a frame.
IfxEray_ReceivedHeader header received header in a frame.
struct IfxEray_Eray_TransmitControl

Transfer control in a slot.

Definition at line 844 of file IfxEray_Eray.h.

Data Fields
uint8 bufferIndex buffer index which gives slot for transfers.
boolean dataTransfered whether data section of message buffer is transfered or not.
boolean headerTransfered whether header section of frame is transfered or not.
boolean transferRequested whether frame in a slot is transfered or not.