iLLD_TC27xD  1.0
IfxEray.h File Reference

ERAY basic functionality. More...

#include "_Impl/IfxEray_cfg.h"
#include "_PinMap/IfxEray_PinMap.h"
#include "IfxEray_reg.h"
#include "Src/Std/IfxSrc.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  IfxEray_Header
 Header section in a frame. More...
struct  IfxEray_ReceivedHeader
 Received header in a frame. More...
struct  IfxEray_SlotConfig
 Transmit control structure. More...


enum  IfxEray_Baudrate {
  IfxEray_Baudrate_10 = 0,
  IfxEray_Baudrate_5 = 1,
  IfxEray_Baudrate_2_5 = 2
 Baudrate on the flexray bus, defined in MODULE_ERAY0.PRTC1.B.BRP. More...
enum  IfxEray_BufferDirection {
  IfxEray_BufferDirection_receive = 0,
  IfxEray_BufferDirection_transmit = 1
 wheather transmit buffer or receive buffer, defined in MODULE_ERAY0.WRHS1.B.CFG. More...
enum  IfxEray_Channel {
  IfxEray_Channel_a = 0,
  IfxEray_Channel_b = 1
 Channel Id. More...
enum  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag {
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_pemc = 1,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_cna = 2,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_sfbm = 4,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_sfo = 8,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_ccf = 16,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_ccl = 32,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_eerr = 64,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_rfo = 128,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_efa = 256,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_iiba = 512,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_ioba = 1024,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_mhf = 2048,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_eda = 65536,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_ltva = 131072,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_taba = 262144,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_edb = 16777216,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_ltvb = 33554432,
  IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag_tabb = 67108864
 Selection of error flag to clear defined in MODULE_ERAY.EIR.U. More...
enum  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag {
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_wst = 1,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_cas = 2,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_cycs = 4,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_txi = 8,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_rxi = 16,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_rfne = 32,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_rfcl = 64,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_nmvc = 128,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_ti0 = 256,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_ti1 = 512,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_tibc = 1024,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_tobc = 2048,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_swe = 4096,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_sucs = 8192,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_mbsi = 16384,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_sds = 32768,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_wupa = 65536,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_mtsa = 131072,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_wupb = 16777216,
  IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag_mtsb = 33554432
 Selection of status flag to clear defined in MODULE_ERAY.SIR.U. More...
enum  IfxEray_ClockDivider {
  IfxEray_ClockDivider_none = 0,
  IfxEray_ClockDivider_1 = 1,
 Clock divider in RUN mode, defined in MODULE_ERAY0.B.RMC. More...
enum  IfxEray_ExternalOffset {
  IfxEray_ExternalOffset_noCorrection = 1,
  IfxEray_ExternalOffset_correctionSubtracted = 2,
  IfxEray_ExternalOffset_correctionAdded = 3
 External offset correction control defined in MODULE_ERAY0.GTU11.B.EOCC. More...
enum  IfxEray_ExternalOffsetCorrection {
  IfxEray_ExternalOffsetCorrection_0 = 0,
 External clock offset correction value defined in MODULE_ERAY0.GTU11.B.EOC. More...
enum  IfxEray_ExternalRate {
  IfxEray_ExternalRate_noCorrection = 1,
  IfxEray_ExternalRate_correctionSubtracted = 2,
  IfxEray_ExternalRate_correctionAdded = 3
 External rate correction control MODULE_ERAY0.GTU11.B.ERCC. More...
enum  IfxEray_ExternalRateCorrection {
  IfxEray_ExternalRateCorrection_0 = 0,
 External clock rate correction value defined in MODULE_ERAY0.GTU11.B.ERC. More...
enum  IfxEray_IdleDynamicSlots {
  IfxEray_IdleDynamicSlots_0 = 0,
 Duration of dynamic slot idle phase, defined in MODULE_ERAY0.B.DSI. More...
enum  IfxEray_ListenTimeOutNoise {
  IfxEray_ListenTimeOutNoise_2 = 1,
 Wakeup or Startup listen timeout in presence of noise, defined in MODULE_ERAY0.SUCC2.B.LTN. More...
enum  IfxEray_MaxSynchFrames {
  IfxEray_MaxSynchFrames_2 = 2,
 Maximum number of sync frames in a cluster defined in MODULE_ERAY0.GTU02.B.SNM. More...
enum  IfxEray_PocCommand {
  IfxEray_PocCommand_notAccepted = 0,
  IfxEray_PocCommand_config = 1,
  IfxEray_PocCommand_ready = 2,
  IfxEray_PocCommand_wakeup = 3,
  IfxEray_PocCommand_run = 4,
  IfxEray_PocCommand_allSlots = 5,
  IfxEray_PocCommand_halt = 6,
  IfxEray_PocCommand_freeze = 7,
  IfxEray_PocCommand_sendMts = 8,
  IfxEray_PocCommand_coldStart = 9,
  IfxEray_PocCommand_reset = 10,
  IfxEray_PocCommand_monitor = 11,
  IfxEray_PocCommand_clearRam = 12
 Commmand to control the Communication, defined in MODULE_ERAY0.SUCC1.B.CMD. More...
enum  IfxEray_PocState {
  IfxEray_PocState_defaultConfig = 0,
  IfxEray_PocState_ready = 1,
  IfxEray_PocState_normalActive = 2,
  IfxEray_PocState_normalPassive = 3,
  IfxEray_PocState_halt = 4,
  IfxEray_PocState_monitor = 5,
  IfxEray_PocState_config = 15,
  IfxEray_PocState_wakeupStandby = 16,
  IfxEray_PocState_wakeupListen = 17,
  IfxEray_PocState_wakeupSend = 18,
  IfxEray_PocState_wakeupDetect = 19,
  IfxEray_PocState_startup = 32,
  IfxEray_PocState_coldStartListen = 33,
  IfxEray_PocState_collisionResolution = 34,
  IfxEray_PocState_consistencyCheck = 35,
  IfxEray_PocState_gap = 36,
  IfxEray_PocState_join = 37,
  IfxEray_PocState_integrationCheck = 38,
  IfxEray_PocState_integrationListen = 39,
  IfxEray_PocState_integrationConsistencyCheck = 40,
  IfxEray_PocState_initializeSchedule = 41,
  IfxEray_PocState_staruAborted = 42,
  IfxEray_PocState_startupSucced = 43
 State of Communication Controller Protocol operation control, defined in MODULE_ERAY0.CCSV.B.POCS. More...
enum  IfxEray_ReceiveChannel {
  IfxEray_ReceiveChannel_both = 0,
  IfxEray_ReceiveChannel_b = 1,
  IfxEray_ReceiveChannel_a = 2,
  IfxEray_ReceiveChannel_none = 3
 Receiving channel, defined in MODULE_ERAY0.FRF.B.CH. More...
enum  IfxEray_SleepMode {
  IfxEray_SleepMode_enable = 0,
  IfxEray_SleepMode_disable = 1
 Enable/disable the sensitivity of the module to sleep signal
Definition in Ifx_ERAY.CLC.B.EDIS. More...
enum  IfxEray_StrobePosition {
  IfxEray_StrobePosition_5 = 0,
  IfxEray_StrobePosition_4 = 1,
  IfxEray_StrobePosition_6 = 2
 Sample count value for strobing, defined in MODULE_ERAY0.PRTC1.B.SPP. More...
enum  IfxEray_TransmissionMode {
  IfxEray_TransmissionMode_continuous = 0,
  IfxEray_TransmissionMode_singleShot = 1
 Transmission mode of Header, defined in MODULE_ERAY0.WRHS1.B.TXM. More...
enum  IfxEray_TransmissionSlotMode {
  IfxEray_TransmissionSlotMode_all = 0,
  IfxEray_TransmissionSlotMode_single = 1
 Initial transmission mode, defined in MODULE_ERAY0.SUCC1.B.TSM. More...
enum  IfxEray_WakeupChannel {
  IfxEray_WakeupChannel_a = 0,
  IfxEray_WakeupChannel_b = 1
 Wakeup pattern carry channel, defined in MODULE_ERAY0.SUCC1.B.WUCS. More...


IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_clearErrorFlag (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_ClearErrorFlag errorFlag)
 Clears the error flag requested. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_clearStatusFlag (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_ClearStatusFlag statusFlag)
 Clears the status flag requested. More...
IFX_INLINE Ifx_ERAY_EIR IfxEray_getErrorInterrupts (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the error interrupt flags. More...
IFX_INLINE volatile Ifx_SRC_SRCR * IfxEray_getInputBufferBusySrcPtr (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the IBUSY service request. More...
IFX_INLINE volatile Ifx_SRC_SRCR * IfxEray_getInterruptLine0SrcPtr (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the INT0 service request. More...
IFX_INLINE volatile Ifx_SRC_SRCR * IfxEray_getInterruptLine1SrcPtr (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the INT1 service request. More...
IFX_INLINE boolean IfxEray_getMessageBufferInterruptStatus (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 messageBuffer)
 Gets the message buffers interrupt status. More...
IFX_INLINE volatile Ifx_SRC_SRCR * IfxEray_getMessageBufferStatus0SrcPtr (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the MBSC0 service request. More...
IFX_INLINE volatile Ifx_SRC_SRCR * IfxEray_getMessageBufferStatus1SrcPtr (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the MBSC1 service request. More...
IFX_INLINE volatile Ifx_SRC_SRCR * IfxEray_getNewDataInterrupt0SrcPtr (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the NDAT0 service request. More...
IFX_INLINE volatile Ifx_SRC_SRCR * IfxEray_getNewDataInterrupt1SrcPtr (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the NDAT1 service request. More...
IFX_INLINE boolean IfxEray_getNewDataInterruptStatus (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 ndat)
 Gets the new data interrupt buffers status. More...
IFX_INLINE volatile Ifx_SRC_SRCR * IfxEray_getOutputBufferBusySrcPtr (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the OBUSY service request. More...
IFX_INLINE Ifx_ERAY_SIR IfxEray_getStatusInterrupts (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the status interrupt flags. More...
IFX_INLINE volatile Ifx_SRC_SRCR * IfxEray_getTimerInterrupt0SrcPtr (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the TINT0 service request. More...
IFX_INLINE volatile Ifx_SRC_SRCR * IfxEray_getTimerInterrupt1SrcPtr (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the TINT1 service request. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxEray_clearAllFlags (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Clears all the error flags. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxEray_enableInterruptLines (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Enables all the Interrupt lines. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxEray_setMessageBufferInterruptDestination (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 messageBuffer, uint8 messageBufferDestination)
 Selects between MBSC0 and MBSC1 interrupt destination. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxEray_setNewDataInterruptDestination (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 ndat, uint8 ndatDestination)
 Selects between NDAT0 and NDAT1 interrupt destination. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_initRxPin (const IfxEray_Rxd_In *rx, IfxPort_InputMode rxMode)
 Initialises a RX pin. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_initTxEnPin (const IfxEray_Txen_Out *txEn, IfxPort_OutputMode txEnMode, IfxPort_PadDriver padDriver)
 Initializes a TX Enable output. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_initTxPin (const IfxEray_Txd_Out *tx, IfxPort_OutputMode txMode, IfxPort_PadDriver padDriver)
 Initializes a TX output. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_enableModule (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Enables the ERAY module. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setSleepMode (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_SleepMode mode)
 Sets the sensitivity of the module to sleep signal. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxEray_resetModule (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Resets the ERAY kernel. More...
IFX_INLINE Ifx_ERAY_FSR IfxEray_getFifoStatus (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the FIFO status. More...
IFX_INLINE boolean IfxEray_getInputBufferBusyHostStatus (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the Input Buffer Host Busy status. More...
IFX_INLINE uint8 IfxEray_getInputBufferBusyShadowStatus (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the Input Buffer Shadow status. More...
IFX_INLINE uint8 IfxEray_getOutputBuffer (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the output buffer index. More...
IFX_INLINE boolean IfxEray_getOutputBufferBusyShadowStatus (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the Output Buffer Shadow status. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxEray_PocState IfxEray_getPocState (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the current POC state. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxEray_WakeupChannel IfxEray_getWakeupPatternReceivedChannel (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the received wakeup pattern channel. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_waitForPocState (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_PocState pocState)
 Waits until the controller enters required POC state. More...
IFX_EXTERN boolean IfxEray_changePocState (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_PocCommand pocCommand)
 Changes the Commmunication Controller state. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxEray_setPocReady (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Sets the POC state to Ready state. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_receiveHeader (Ifx_ERAY *eray, boolean headerReceived)
 request to receive header section from message buffer. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_sendHeader (Ifx_ERAY *eray, boolean headerTransfered)
 sets the bit to send header in frame. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setActiveCyclePairs (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 numberOfCyclePairsForActive)
 Sets number of cycle pairs for Active state. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setAutoDelayBuffers (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Sets auto delays between input, output buffers and message RAM. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setBaudrate (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_Baudrate baudrate)
 Sets baudrate on Flexray bus. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setBufferReconfigSecure (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 secureValue)
 Sets secured buffers in message RAM. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setChannelAInitialOffsets (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 channelAMicrotickInitialOffset, uint8 channelAMacrotickInitialOffset)
 Sets channel A initial offstes. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setChannelBInitialOffsets (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 channelBMicrotickInitialOffset, uint8 channelBMacrotickInitialOffset)
 Sets channel B initial offstes. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setChannelsReceiveDelay (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 channelAReceptionDelay, uint8 channelBReceptionDelay)
 Sets receive delays on channels. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setClockCorrectionCycles (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 clockCorrectionCyclesPassive, uint8 clockCorrectionCyclesHalt)
 Sets clock correction cycles for Passive and Halt. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setClockSynchErrorHalt (Ifx_ERAY *eray, boolean clockSyncErrorHalt)
 lead to halt state in clock synch error. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setClusterDriftValues (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 clusterDrift, uint16 maxDriftOffset)
 Sets cluster drift values. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setClusterStartupDeviation (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint16 acceptedStartupDeviation)
 Sets cluster startup deviation. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setCollisionAvoidanceDuration (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 collisionAvoidanceDuration)
 Sets CAS symbol window duration. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setCycleDurationMacroticks (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint16 macroticks)
 sets duration of the communication cycle in Macroticks. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setCycleDurationMicroticks (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint32 microticks)
 sets duration of the communication cycle in Microticks. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setDecodingCorrectionValue (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 decodingCorrection)
 Sets decoding correction value. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setDynamicSlots (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 dynamicSlotLength, uint16 dynamicSlotCount, IfxEray_IdleDynamicSlots idleDynamicSlots)
 Sets dynamic slots count and length. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setExternalCorrectionControl (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_ExternalOffset externalOffset, IfxEray_ExternalRate externalRate)
 Sets external correction controls. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setExternalCorrectionValues (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_ExternalOffsetCorrection externalOffsetCorrection, IfxEray_ExternalRateCorrection externalRateCorrection)
 Sets external correction values. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setFifoBufferStartIndex (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 fifoBufferStartIndex)
 Sets FIFO buffer start idex. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setFifoFilterConfigurations (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint16 rejectedFrameId, uint8 filteredCycleNumber, boolean fifoNullFramesRejected, uint16 frameIdFilter)
 Sets FIFO filter configurations. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setFifoMessageBufferConfigurations (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_ReceiveChannel receiveChannel, boolean staticFifoDisabled, uint8 fifoDepth)
 Sets FIFO configurations. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setFirstDynamicBuffer (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 firstDynamicBuffer)
 Sets first dynamic buffer. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setListenTimeOuts (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint32 listenTimeOut, IfxEray_ListenTimeOutNoise listenTimeOutNoise)
 Sets startup or wakeup listen timeouts. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setMaxColdStartAttempts (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 maxColdStartAttempts)
 Sets the maximum cold start attempts for active state. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setMaxCorrectionValues (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint16 maxOffsetCorrection, uint16 maxRateCorrection)
 Sets max limit correction values. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setMaxSynchFrames (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_MaxSynchFrames maxSyncFrames)
 Sets maximum synch frames in a cluster. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setMessageBufferCount (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 numberOfMessageBuffers)
 Sets number of message buffers. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setMessageHandlerConfigurations (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 staticFramepayload, uint8 latestTransmissionStart)
 Sets Message Handler configurations. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setNetworkStartIdleTime (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint16 networkStartIdleTime)
 Sets network start Idle time. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setNetworkVectorLength (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint32 networkVectorLength)
 Sets network management vector length. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setNodeChannels (Ifx_ERAY *eray, boolean channelAConnectedNode, boolean channelBConnectedNode)
 Sets channels connected to node. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setOffsetCorrection (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint16 correctionOffset)
 Sets offset correction starting point. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setReceiveRequest (Ifx_ERAY *eray, boolean receiveRequested)
 requests to receive the frame. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setReceiveWakeupTimes (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 receiveWakeupTestDuration, uint8 receiveWakeupIdleTime, uint8 receiveWakeupLowTime)
 Sets receive wakeup times. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setRxBufferNumber (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 bufferIndex)
 sets buffer number in which frame is received. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setSlotActionPoints (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 staticActionPoint, uint8 dynamicActionPoint)
 Sets slots action points. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setStaticSlots (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint16 staticSlotLength, uint16 staticSlotsCount)
 Sets static slots count and length. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setStrobePosition (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_StrobePosition strobePosition)
 Sets sample point for strobing. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setSymbolChannels (Ifx_ERAY *eray, boolean channelASymbolTransmitted, boolean channelBSymbolTransmitted)
 Sets channels which transmits symbols. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setTransmissionSlotMode (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_TransmissionSlotMode transmissionSlotMode)
 Sets the transmit slot mode. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setTransmissionStartTime (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint16 transmissionStartTime)
 Sets transmission start time duration. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setTransmitRequest (Ifx_ERAY *eray, boolean transferRequested)
 Sets transfer request to send frame. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setTransmitWakeupTimes (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 transmitWakeupRepetitions, uint8 transmitWakeupIdleTime, uint8 transmitWakeupLowTime)
 Sets transmit wakeup times. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setTransmittedFrames (Ifx_ERAY *eray, boolean startupFrameTransmitted, boolean synchFrameTransmitted)
 Configures transmitted frames for startup and synchronization. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setTxBufferNumber (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint8 bufferIndex)
 Sets the transmit buffer number. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setViewData (Ifx_ERAY *eray, boolean swapRequested)
 Swaps the shadow and Host output registers. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_setWakeupPatternChannel (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_WakeupChannel wakeupPatternChannel)
 Sets the cluster wakeup channel. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_receiveData (Ifx_ERAY *eray, boolean dataReceived)
 requests to receive data from message buffer. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxEray_sendData (Ifx_ERAY *eray, boolean dataTransfered)
 sets the bit to send data in frame. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxEray_calcHeaderCrc (uint8 payloadLength, uint16 frameId, boolean startupFrameIndicator, boolean syncFrameIndicator)
 Calculate and returns the CRC for frame. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxEray_readData (Ifx_ERAY *eray, uint32 *data, uint8 payloadLength)
 Reads the received data from output registers. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxEray_readFrame (Ifx_ERAY *eray, IfxEray_ReceivedHeader *header, uint32 *data, Ifx_SizeT maxPayloadLength)
 Reads header and data from output buffers. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxEray_setSlot (Ifx_ERAY *eray, const IfxEray_Header *header, const uint32 *data, const IfxEray_SlotConfig *slotConfig)
 Writes header and data to Input buffers and set the slots. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxEray_writeData (Ifx_ERAY *eray, const uint32 *data, uint8 payloadLength)
 Writes data section of a frame to input data registers. More...
IFX_INLINE uint8 IfxEray_getFifoIndex (Ifx_ERAY *eray)
 Gets the FIFO index. More...

Detailed Description

ERAY basic functionality.

                            IMPORTANT NOTICE

Infineon Technologies AG (Infineon) is supplying this file for use exclusively with Infineon's microcontroller products. This file can be freely distributed within development tools that are supporting such microcontroller products.


Definition in file IfxEray.h.

Function Documentation

IFX_INLINE uint8 IfxEray_getFifoIndex ( Ifx_ERAY *  eray)

Gets the FIFO index.

eraypointer to ERAY module registers.
FIFO buffer index.

Definition at line 1170 of file IfxEray.h.

Referenced by IfxEray_Eray_receiveFifoFrame().