iLLD_TC27xD  1.0
IfxCif.h File Reference

CIF basic functionality. More...

#include "_Impl/IfxCif_cfg.h"
#include "Scu/Std/IfxScuWdt.h"
#include "IfxCif_bf.h"
#include "IfxCif_reg.h"
#include "Cpu/Std/IfxCpu_Intrinsics.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


enum  IfxCif_DataPathSelectorForMainPath {
  IfxCif_DataPathSelectorForMainPath_Disabled = 0,
  IfxCif_DataPathSelectorForMainPath_DataToMemoryInterfaceUncompressed = 1,
  IfxCif_DataPathSelectorForMainPath_DataToJpegEncoder = 2
 Enumerator for data path of main path. More...
enum  IfxCif_ErrorState {
  IfxCif_ErrorState_NoError = 0,
  IfxCif_ErrorState_Error = 1
 Enumerator for the state of an error. More...
enum  IfxCif_ExtraPath {
  IfxCif_ExtraPath_1 = 0,
  IfxCif_ExtraPath_2 = 1,
  IfxCif_ExtraPath_3 = 2,
  IfxCif_ExtraPath_4 = 3,
  IfxCif_ExtraPath_5 = 4
 Enumerator for the extra paths. More...
enum  IfxCif_ImageTiers {
  IfxCif_ImageTiers_Horizontal = 0,
  IfxCif_ImageTiers_Vertical = 1
 Enumerator for tiers. More...
enum  IfxCif_InputInterface { IfxCif_InputInterface_ParallelInterface = 0 }
 Enumerator for input interfaces supported by the CIF interface. More...
enum  IfxCif_InterruptTriggeredState {
  IfxCif_InterruptTriggeredState_NotTriggered = 0,
  IfxCif_InterruptTriggeredState_Triggered = 1
 Enumerator for the state of an interrupt. More...
enum  IfxCif_PortInputSelection {
  IfxCif_PortInputSelection_PinMapping0 = 0,
  IfxCif_PortInputSelection_PinMapping1 = 1
 Enumerator for port input selections. More...
enum  IfxCif_State {
  IfxCif_State_Disabled = 0,
  IfxCif_State_Enabled = 1
 Enumerator for states. More...
enum  IfxCif_Submodules {
  IfxCif_Submodules_AllModules = 0,
  IfxCif_Submodules_Debug = 1,
  IfxCif_Submodules_ExtraPaths = 2,
  IfxCif_Submodules_LinearDownscaler = 3,
  IfxCif_Submodules_SecurityWatchdog = 4,
  IfxCif_Submodules_MemoryInterface = 5,
  IfxCif_Submodules_JpegEncoder = 6,
  IfxCif_Submodules_ImageSignalProcessing = 7,
  IfxCif_Submodules_YCSplitter = 8
 Enumerator for submodules of the CIF interface. More...
enum  IfxCif_YCSplitterChannelMode {
  IfxCif_YCSplitterChannelMode_Disabled = 0,
  IfxCif_YCSplitterChannelMode_MainPathAndRawMode = 1
 Enumerator for channel mode of Y/C splitter. More...
enum  IfxCif_IspCcirSequence {
  IfxCif_IspCcirSequence_YCbYCr = 0,
  IfxCif_IspCcirSequence_YCrYCb = 1,
  IfxCif_IspCcirSequence_CbYCrY = 2
 Enumerator for the ISP CCIR sequence. More...
enum  IfxCif_IspColorSpaceMatrixCrominanceClippingRange {
  IfxCif_IspColorSpaceMatrixCrominanceClippingRange_16To240 = 0,
  IfxCif_IspColorSpaceMatrixCrominanceClippingRange_0To255 = 1
 Enumerator for the clipping range of the crominance for the ISP output. More...
enum  IfxCif_IspColorSpaceMatrixLuminanceClippingRange {
  IfxCif_IspColorSpaceMatrixLuminanceClippingRange_16To235 = 0,
  IfxCif_IspColorSpaceMatrixLuminanceClippingRange_0To255 = 1
 Enumerator for the clipping range of the luminance for the ISP output. More...
enum  IfxCif_IspErrorSources {
  IfxCif_IspErrorSources_SizeErrorInOutmuxSubmodule = 0,
  IfxCif_IspErrorSources_SizeErrorInImageStabilizationSubmodule = 1,
  IfxCif_IspErrorSources_SizeErrorInInformSubmodule = 2
 Enumerator for error sources of the ISP module. More...
enum  IfxCif_IspFieldSelection {
  IfxCif_IspFieldSelection_AllFields = 0,
  IfxCif_IspFieldSelection_OnlyEvenFields = 1,
  IfxCif_IspFieldSelection_OnlyOddFields = 2
 Enumerator for the sampled input fields. More...
enum  IfxCif_IspInformFieldInformation {
  IfxCif_IspInformFieldInformation_Odd = 0,
  IfxCif_IspInformFieldInformation_Even = 1
 Enumerator for current field information. More...
enum  IfxCif_IspInputInterface {
  IfxCif_IspInputInterface_8BitExternalInterfaceAppendMsb = 0,
  IfxCif_IspInputInterface_8BitExternalInterfaceAppendZeros = 1,
  IfxCif_IspInputInterface_10BitExternalInterfaceAppendMsb = 2,
  IfxCif_IspInputInterface_10BitExternalInterfaceAppendZeros = 3,
  IfxCif_IspInputInterface_12BitExternalInterfaceAppendMsb = 4,
  IfxCif_IspInputInterface_12BitExternalInterfaceAppendZeros = 5,
  IfxCif_IspInputInterface_14BitExternalInterfaceAppendMsb = 6,
  IfxCif_IspInputInterface_14BitExternalInterfaceAppendZeros = 7,
  IfxCif_IspInputInterface_16BitExternalInterface = 8
 Enumerator for the supported input interfaces of the ISP. More...
enum  IfxCif_IspInterruptSources {
  IfxCif_IspInterruptSources_SecurityWatchdogTimeout = 0,
  IfxCif_IspInterruptSources_StartEdgeOfHSync = 1,
  IfxCif_IspInterruptSources_StartEdgeOfVSync = 2,
  IfxCif_IspInterruptSources_SampledInputFrameComplete = 3,
  IfxCif_IspInterruptSources_PictureSizeViolationOccurred = 4,
  IfxCif_IspInterruptSources_LossOfData = 5,
  IfxCif_IspInterruptSources_FrameCompletelyPutOut = 6,
  IfxCif_IspInterruptSources_IspTurnedOff = 7
 Enumerator for interrupt sources of the ISP submodule. More...
enum  IfxCif_IspMode {
  IfxCif_IspMode_RawPicture = 0,
  IfxCif_IspMode_ItuRBT656 = 1,
  IfxCif_IspMode_ItuRBT601 = 2,
  IfxCif_IspMode_DataMode = 4,
  IfxCif_IspMode_RawPictureWithItuRBT656Sync = 6
 Enumerator for the ISP mode. More...
enum  IfxCif_IspSamplingEdge {
  IfxCif_IspSamplingEdge_NegativeEdge = 0,
  IfxCif_IspSamplingEdge_PositiveEdge = 1
 Enumerator for ISP sampling edge. More...
enum  IfxCif_IspSyncPolarity {
  IfxCif_IspSyncPolarity_HighActive = 0,
  IfxCif_IspSyncPolarity_LowActive = 1
enum  IfxCif_LinearDownscalerScalingMode {
  IfxCif_LinearDownscalerScalingMode_SingleSkip = 0,
  IfxCif_LinearDownscalerScalingMode_DoubleSkip = 1,
  IfxCif_LinearDownscalerScalingMode_SinglePass = 2,
  IfxCif_LinearDownscalerScalingMode_DoublePass = 3,
  IfxCif_LinearDownscalerScalingMode_Disabled = -1
 Enumerator for scaling mode of linear downscaler. More...
enum  IfxCif_MiBurstLength {
  IfxCif_MiBurstLength_4BeatBursts = 0,
  IfxCif_MiBurstLength_8BeatBursts = 1
 Enumerator for burst length affecting the write port of the memory interface. More...
enum  IfxCif_MiDataPaths {
  IfxCif_MiDataPaths_RawData = 0,
  IfxCif_MiDataPaths_JpegData = 1,
  IfxCif_MiDataPaths_MainPictureData = 2
 Enumerator for data paths of the memory interface. More...
enum  IfxCif_MiInterruptSources {
  IfxCif_MiInterruptSources_BusError = 0,
  IfxCif_MiInterruptSources_WrapMainPictureCr = 1,
  IfxCif_MiInterruptSources_WrapMainPictureCb = 2,
  IfxCif_MiInterruptSources_WrapMainPictureY = 3,
  IfxCif_MiInterruptSources_FillMainPictureY = 4,
  IfxCif_MiInterruptSources_MacroBlockLine = 5,
  IfxCif_MiInterruptSources_MainPictureFrameEnd = 6
 Enumerator for interrupt sources of the memory interface submodule. More...
enum  IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents {
  IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents_Y = 0,
  IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents_Cb = 1,
  IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents_Cr = 2
 Enumerator for main picture path components of the memory interface. More...
enum  IfxCif_MiMainPictureWriteFormat {
  IfxCif_MiMainPictureWriteFormat_PlanarOrData8Bit = 0,
  IfxCif_MiMainPictureWriteFormat_SemiPlanarOrData8Bit = 1,
  IfxCif_MiMainPictureWriteFormat_InterleavedOrDataGreater8Bit = 2
 Enumerator for write formats of data written into memory. More...
enum  IfxCif_MiStatusClearSources {
  IfxCif_MiStatusClearSources_ExtraPath5FifoFull = 0,
  IfxCif_MiStatusClearSources_ExtraPath4FifoFull = 1,
  IfxCif_MiStatusClearSources_ExtraPath3FifoFull = 2,
  IfxCif_MiStatusClearSources_ExtraPath2FifoFull = 3,
  IfxCif_MiStatusClearSources_ExtraPath1FifoFull = 4,
  IfxCif_MiStatusClearSources_BusWriteError = 5,
  IfxCif_MiStatusClearSources_MainPictureCrFifoFull = 6,
  IfxCif_MiStatusClearSources_MainPictureCbFifoFull = 7,
  IfxCif_MiStatusClearSources_MainPictureYFifoFull = 8
 Enumerator for status clear sources of the memory interface module. More...
enum  IfxCif_MiStatusInformationSources {
  IfxCif_MiStatusInformationSources_BusWriteError = 0,
  IfxCif_MiStatusInformationSources_MainPictureCrFifoFull = 1,
  IfxCif_MiStatusInformationSources_MainPictureCbFifoFull = 2,
  IfxCif_MiStatusInformationSources_MainPictureYFifoFull = 3
 Enumerator for status information sources of the memory interface submodule. More...
enum  IfxCif_HuffmanTableComponents {
  IfxCif_HuffmanTableComponents_Component0 = 0,
  IfxCif_HuffmanTableComponents_Component1 = 1,
  IfxCif_HuffmanTableComponents_Component2 = 2
 Enumerator for the Huffman Table components. More...
enum  IfxCif_HuffmanTables {
  IfxCif_HuffmanTables_Table0 = 0,
  IfxCif_HuffmanTables_Table1 = 1
 Enumerator for the Huffman Tables. More...
enum  IfxCif_JpeDebugSignalSources {
  IfxCif_JpeDebugSignalSources_BadTableAccess = 0,
  IfxCif_JpeDebugSignalSources_VlcTableBusy = 1,
  IfxCif_JpeDebugSignalSources_R2BMemoryFull = 2,
  IfxCif_JpeDebugSignalSources_VlcEncodeBusy = 3,
  IfxCif_JpeDebugSignalSources_QiqTableAccess = 4
 Enumerator for the debug signal sources. More...
enum  IfxCif_JpeDebugSignalState {
  IfxCif_JpeDebugSignalState_Inactive = 0,
  IfxCif_JpeDebugSignalState_Active = 1
 Enumerator for the debug signal state. More...
enum  IfxCif_JpeHeaderGenerationMode {
  IfxCif_JpeHeaderGenerationMode_WaitForEncodedImage = 0,
  IfxCif_JpeHeaderGenerationMode_TransmitLastHeaderBytes = 1
 Enumerator for the header generation debug control. More...
enum  IfxCif_JpeHeaderMode {
  IfxCif_JpeHeaderMode_NoAppnHeader = 0,
  IfxCif_JpeHeaderMode_JfifHeader = 2
 Enumerator for the JPE header mode. More...
enum  IfxCif_JpeInterruptSources {
  IfxCif_JpeInterruptSources_VlcTableError = 0,
  IfxCif_JpeInterruptSources_R2BImageSizeError = 1,
  IfxCif_JpeInterruptSources_DcTableError = 2,
  IfxCif_JpeInterruptSources_VlcSymbolError = 3,
  IfxCif_JpeInterruptSources_HeaderGenerationComplete = 4,
  IfxCif_JpeInterruptSources_EncodingComplete = 5
 Enumerator for interrupt sources of the JPEG encoder module. More...
enum  IfxCif_JpeQTableSelector {
  IfxCif_JpeQTableSelector_Table0 = 0,
  IfxCif_JpeQTableSelector_Table1 = 1,
  IfxCif_JpeQTableSelector_Table2 = 2,
  IfxCif_JpeQTableSelector_Table3 = 3
 Enumerator for the Q-Table selector. More...
enum  IfxCif_JpeQTableSelectorComponents {
  IfxCif_JpeQTableSelectorComponents_Y = 0,
  IfxCif_JpeQTableSelectorComponents_U = 1,
  IfxCif_JpeQTableSelectorComponents_V = 2
 Enumerator for the components to select Q-Tables. More...
enum  IfxCif_JpeScalingValueSources {
  IfxCif_JpeScalingValueSources_Y = 0,
  IfxCif_JpeScalingValueSources_CbCr = 1
 Enumerator for the input scaling values of the JPEG encoder. More...
enum  IfxCif_JpeState {
  IfxCif_JpeState_Free = 0,
  IfxCif_JpeState_Busy = 1
 Enumerator for the codec state. More...
enum  IfxCif_JpeTableId {
  IfxCif_JpeTableId_QTable0 = 0,
  IfxCif_JpeTableId_QTable1 = 1,
  IfxCif_JpeTableId_QTable2 = 2,
  IfxCif_JpeTableId_QTable3 = 3,
  IfxCif_JpeTableId_VlcDcTable0 = 4,
  IfxCif_JpeTableId_VlcAcTable0 = 5,
  IfxCif_JpeTableId_VlcDcTable1 = 6,
  IfxCif_JpeTableId_VlcAcTable1 = 7
 Enumerator for the JPE Tables. More...
enum  IfxCif_JpegJfifStreamEncoderContinuousMode {
  IfxCif_JpegJfifStreamEncoderContinuousMode_StopAtFrameEnd = 0,
  IfxCif_JpegJfifStreamEncoderContinuousMode_StartAutomatically = 1,
  IfxCif_JpegJfifStreamEncoderContinuousMode_GenerateHeaderAndStartAutomatically = 3
 Enumerator for the JFIF stream encoder continuous mode. More...
enum  IfxCif_JpegPictureEncodingFormat {
  IfxCif_JpegPictureEncodingFormat_422 = 0,
  IfxCif_JpegPictureEncodingFormat_400 = 1
 Enumerator for the picture encoding format. More...
enum  IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogCounters {
  IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogCounters_Predivider = 0,
  IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogCounters_Vertical = 1,
  IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogCounters_Horizontal = 2
 Enumerator for watchdog counters. More...
enum  IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogInterruptSources {
  IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogInterruptSources_VerticalEndStartTimeout = 0,
  IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogInterruptSources_VerticalStartEndTimeout = 1,
  IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogInterruptSources_HorizontalEndStartTimeout = 2,
  IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogInterruptSources_HorizontalStartEndTimeout = 3
 Enumerator for interrupt sources of the security watchdog submodule. More...
enum  IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogTimeoutCounters {
  IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogTimeoutCounters_EndStart = 0,
  IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogTimeoutCounters_StartEnd = 1
 Enumerator for watchdog timeout counters. More...
enum  IfxCif_EpErrorClearSources {
  IfxCif_EpErrorClearSources_ExtraPath5SizeError = 0,
  IfxCif_EpErrorClearSources_ExtraPath4SizeError = 1,
  IfxCif_EpErrorClearSources_ExtraPath3SizeError = 2,
  IfxCif_EpErrorClearSources_ExtraPath2SizeError = 3,
  IfxCif_EpErrorClearSources_ExtraPath1SizeError = 4
 Enumerator for error sources that can be cleared in the extra paths registers. More...
enum  IfxCif_EpErrorSources {
  IfxCif_EpErrorSources_ExtraPath5FifoFull = 0,
  IfxCif_EpErrorSources_ExtraPath4FifoFull = 1,
  IfxCif_EpErrorSources_ExtraPath3FifoFull = 2,
  IfxCif_EpErrorSources_ExtraPath2FifoFull = 3,
  IfxCif_EpErrorSources_ExtraPath1FifoFull = 4,
  IfxCif_EpErrorSources_ExtraPath5SizeError = 5,
  IfxCif_EpErrorSources_ExtraPath4SizeError = 6,
  IfxCif_EpErrorSources_ExtraPath3SizeError = 7,
  IfxCif_EpErrorSources_ExtraPath2SizeError = 8,
  IfxCif_EpErrorSources_ExtraPath1SizeError = 9
 Enumerator for error sources of extra paths. More...
enum  IfxCif_EpFeatures {
  IfxCif_EpFeatures_InitOffsetCounter = 0,
  IfxCif_EpFeatures_InitBaseAddress = 1,
  IfxCif_EpFeatures_ByteSwap = 2,
  IfxCif_EpFeatures_PictureDataPath = 3
 Enumerator for extra path features. More...
enum  IfxCif_EpInterrupts {
  IfxCif_EpInterrupts_FrameEnd = IFX_CIF_MIEP_MIS_FRAME_END_EP_1_OFF,
  IfxCif_EpInterrupts_FillLevel = IFX_CIF_MIEP_MIS_FILL_EP_1_OFF,
  IfxCif_EpInterrupts_WrapAround = IFX_CIF_MIEP_MIS_WRAP_EP_1_OFF,
  IfxCif_EpInterrupts_MacroBlockLine = IFX_CIF_MIEP_MIS_MBLK_LINE_EP_1_OFF,
  IfxCif_EpInterrupts_Count = 4
 Enumerator for interrupt sources of the extra paths module. More...
enum  IfxCif_EpWriteFormat {
  IfxCif_EpWriteFormat_RawAndData = 0,
  IfxCif_EpWriteFormat_Raw8Bit = 1,
  IfxCif_EpWriteFormat_RawGreater = 2,
  IfxCif_EpWriteFormat_YCbCr = 3
 Enumerator for write formats of extra paths. More...
enum  IfxCif_DpControlSources {
  IfxCif_DpControlSources_UserDefinedSymbol8 = 0,
  IfxCif_DpControlSources_UserDefinedSymbol7 = 1,
  IfxCif_DpControlSources_UserDefinedSymbol6 = 2,
  IfxCif_DpControlSources_UserDefinedSymbol5 = 3,
  IfxCif_DpControlSources_UserDefinedSymbol4 = 4,
  IfxCif_DpControlSources_UserDefinedSymbol3 = 5,
  IfxCif_DpControlSources_UserDefinedSymbol2 = 6,
  IfxCif_DpControlSources_UserDefinedSymbol1 = 7,
  IfxCif_DpControlSources_TimestampCounter = 8,
  IfxCif_DpControlSources_LineNumberCounter = 9,
  IfxCif_DpControlSources_FrameNumberCounter = 10
 Enumerator for debug path control sources. More...
enum  IfxCif_DpCounters {
  IfxCif_DpCounters_PredividerCounter = 0,
  IfxCif_DpCounters_TimestampCounter = 1,
  IfxCif_DpCounters_LineNumberCounter = 2,
  IfxCif_DpCounters_FrameNumberCounter = 3
 Enumerator for debug path counters. More...
enum  IfxCif_DpSourcePath {
  IfxCif_DpSourcePath_MainPath = 0,
  IfxCif_DpSourcePath_ExtraPath1 = 1,
  IfxCif_DpSourcePath_ExtraPath2 = 2,
  IfxCif_DpSourcePath_ExtraPath4 = 4,
  IfxCif_DpSourcePath_ExtraPath5 = 5
 Enumerator for debug path source paths. More...


IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_clearKernelResetState (void)
 Function to clear the kernel reset state. More...
IFX_INLINE uint16 IfxCif_getCifModuleId (void)
 Function to query the CIF module ID. More...
IfxCif_getCifModulePortInputSelection (void)
 Function to query the port input selection. More...
IFX_INLINE uint8 IfxCif_getCifModuleRevision (void)
 Function to query the CIF module revision. More...
IFX_INLINE uint8 IfxCif_getCifModuleType (void)
 Function to query the CIF module ID. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getClockControlLogicState (void)
 Function to query the clock distribution enabled state. More...
IfxCif_getDataPathSelectorForMainPath (void)
 Function to query the data path for main path. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_InputInterface IfxCif_getInputInterface (void)
 Function to query the input interface of the CIF interface. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getIspInputPortSHSyncState (void)
 Function to query the current level of the ISP input port s_hsync (for testing purposes only) More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getKernelResetStatus (void)
 Function to query the kernel reset status. More...
IFX_INLINE uint16 IfxCif_getModuleNumber (void)
 Function to query the module number. More...
IFX_INLINE uint8 IfxCif_getModuleRevisionNumber (void)
 Function to query the revision number of the CIF interface. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getModuleState (void)
 Function to query the state of the CIF module. More...
IFX_INLINE uint8 IfxCif_getModuleType (void)
 Function to query the module type. More...
IfxCif_getYCSplitterChannelMode (void)
 Function to query the Y/C splitter channel mode. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setClockControlLogicState (IfxCif_State clockControlLogicState)
 Function to enable or disable the clock distribution to all CIF submodules. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setDataPathSelectorForMainPath (IfxCif_DataPathSelectorForMainPath pathSelector)
 Function to set the data path for main path. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setInputInterface (IfxCif_InputInterface interface)
 Function to set the input interface of the CIF interface. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setKernelResetRequestState (IfxCif_State state)
 Function to request a kernel reset or reset the request bit. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setYCSplitterChannelMode (IfxCif_YCSplitterChannelMode mode)
 Function to set the Y/C splitter channel mode. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getInternalClockMode (IfxCif_Submodules submodule)
 Function to query the clock state of a submodule. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getKernelResetRequestState (void)
 Function to query the state of the kernel reset request bit. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getSoftwareResetMode (IfxCif_Submodules submodule)
 Function to query the reset mode of a submodule. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_resetModule (Ifx_CIF_BBB *cifBbb)
 resets CIF kernel More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setInternalClockMode (IfxCif_Submodules submodule, IfxCif_State clockState)
 Function to enable or disable the clock of a submodule. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setModuleStateRequest (IfxCif_State state)
 Function to request enabling or disabling of the CIF module. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setSoftwareResetMode (IfxCif_Submodules submodule, IfxCif_State resetMode)
 Function to enable or disable the reset mode of a submodule. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_generateIspFrameSynchronousConfigUpdateSignal (void)
 Function to generate a frame synchronous ISP configuration update signal. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_generateIspImmediateConfigUpdateSignal (void)
 Function to generate an immediate ISP configuration update signal. More...
IFX_INLINE uint16 IfxCif_getCurrentIspFrameCount (void)
 Function to query the current ISP frame count. More...
IfxCif_getCurrentIspInformFieldInformation (void)
 Function to query the current field information. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getCurrentIspInputFormatterState (void)
 Function to query the current state of the ISP formatter. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_IspCcirSequence IfxCif_getIspCcirSequence (void)
 Function to query the currently set CCIR sequence. More...
IfxCif_getIspColorSpaceMatrixCrominanceClippingRange (void)
 Function to query the clipping range of the crominance of the ISP output. More...
IfxCif_getIspColorSpaceMatrixLuminanceClippingRange (void)
 Function to query the clipping range of the luminance of the ISP output. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getIspFieldInvertState (void)
 Function to query the state of field ID inversion. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_IspFieldSelection IfxCif_getIspFieldSelection (void)
 Function to query the currently set field sample mode. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_IspSyncPolarity IfxCif_getIspHSyncPolarity (void)
 Function to query the currently set polarity of the HSYNC signal. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getIspInputFormatterState (void)
 Function to query the current state of the ISP input formatter. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_IspInputInterface IfxCif_getIspInputInterface (void)
 Function to query the ISP input interface bit width. More...
IFX_INLINE uint16 IfxCif_getIspInputPortSDataState (void)
 Function to query the current value of the ISP input port s_data (for test purposes only) More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getIspInputPortSVSyncState (void)
 Function to query the current level of the ISP input port s_vsync (for test purposes only) More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getIspMode (void)
 Function to query the currently set ISP mode. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getIspOutputState (void)
 Function to query the ISP output state. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_IspSamplingEdge IfxCif_getIspSamplingEdge (void)
 Function to query the currently set ISP sampling edge. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getIspState (void)
 Function to query the current state of the ISP. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_IspSyncPolarity IfxCif_getIspVSyncPolarity (void)
 Function to query the currently set polarity of the VSYNC signal. More...
IFX_INLINE uint16 IfxCif_getNumberOfAcquisitionFrames (void)
 Function to query the number of acquisition frames. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspAcquisitionOffsets (uint16 hOffset, uint16 vOffset)
 Function to set the ISP acquisition offsets. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspAcquisitionSizes (uint16 hSize, uint16 vSize)
 Function to set the ISP acquisition sizes. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspCcirSequence (IfxCif_IspCcirSequence sequence)
 Function to set the CCIR sequence. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspColorSpaceMatrixCrominanceClippingRange (IfxCif_IspColorSpaceMatrixCrominanceClippingRange clippingRange)
 Function to set the clipping range of the crominance of the ISP output. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspColorSpaceMatrixLuminanceClippingRange (IfxCif_IspColorSpaceMatrixLuminanceClippingRange clippingRange)
 Function to set the clipping range of the luminance of the ISP output. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspFieldInvertState (IfxCif_State fieldInvertState)
 Function to enable or disable inversion of the field ID. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspFieldSelection (IfxCif_IspFieldSelection selection)
 Function to select fields to sample. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspHSyncPolarity (IfxCif_IspSyncPolarity polarity)
 Function to set the polarity of the HSYNC signal. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspInputFormatterState (IfxCif_State inputFormatterState)
 Function to enable or disable the ISP input formatter. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspInputInterface (IfxCif_IspInputInterface input)
 Function to set the ISP input interface bit width. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspMode (IfxCif_IspMode mode)
 Function to set the ISP mode. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspOutputState (IfxCif_State ispOutputState)
 Function to enable or disable the ISP output. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspOutputWindowOffsets (uint16 hOffset, uint16 vOffset)
 Function to set the ISP output window offsets. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspPictureSizes (uint16 hSize, uint16 vSize)
 Function to set the ISP picture sizes. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspSamplingEdge (IfxCif_IspSamplingEdge edge)
 Function to set the ISP sampling edge. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspVSyncPolarity (IfxCif_IspSyncPolarity polarity)
 Function to set the polarity of the VSYNC signal. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setNumberOfAcquisitionFrames (uint16 numberOfFrames)
 Function to set the number of acquisition frames. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_clearIspError (IfxCif_IspErrorSources errorSource)
 Function to clear the error status bit for an error source. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_clearIspInterrupt (IfxCif_IspInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to clear an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getCurrentIspPictureOffset (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the current ISP picture offset for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getCurrentIspPictureSize (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the current ISP picture size for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getIspAcquisitionOffset (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the currently set ISP acquisition offset of one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getIspAcquisitionSize (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the currently set ISP acquisition size of one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_ErrorState IfxCif_getIspErrorState (IfxCif_IspErrorSources errorSource)
 Function to query the error state of an error source. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getIspInputSelectionAppendState (void)
 Function to query the append state. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getIspInterruptEnableState (IfxCif_IspInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to query the enabled state of an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getIspOutputWindowOffset (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the currently set ISP output window offset for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getIspPictureSize (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the currently set ISP picture size of one tier. More...
IfxCif_getMaskedIspInterruptTriggeredState (IfxCif_IspInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to query the masked state of an interrupt. More...
IfxCif_getRawIspInterruptTriggeredState (IfxCif_IspInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to query the raw state of an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setIspAcquisitionOffset (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, uint16 offset)
 Function to set the ISP acquisition offset of one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setIspAcquisitionSize (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, uint16 size)
 Function to set the ISP acquisition size of one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setIspInputSelectionAppendState (IfxCif_State appendState)
 Function to enable or disable appending of bits to the input signal. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setIspInterruptEnableState (IfxCif_IspInterruptSources interruptSource, IfxCif_State interruptEnableState)
 Function to enable or disable an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setIspInterruptRequestBit (IfxCif_IspInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to set an interrupt request bit (does not necessarily trigger an interrupt) More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setIspOutputWindowOffset (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, uint16 offset)
 Function to set the ISP output window offset for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setIspPictureSize (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, uint16 pictureSize)
 Function to set the ISP picture size of one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getLinearDownscalerEnableState (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the current state of the linear downscaler for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint8 IfxCif_getLinearDownscalerScalingFactor (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the currently set scaling factor of the linear downscaler of one tier. More...
IfxCif_getLinearDownscalerScalingMode (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the currently set scaling mode of one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setLinearDownscalerEnableState (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, IfxCif_State enableState)
 Function to enable or disable the linear downscaler for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setLinearDownscalerScalingFactor (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, uint8 factor)
 Function to set the scaling factor of the linear downscaler of one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setLinearDownscalerScalingFactors (uint8 horizFactor, uint8 vertFactor)
 Function to set the scaling factors of the linear downscaler. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setLinearDownscalerScalingMode (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, IfxCif_LinearDownscalerScalingMode mode)
 Function to set the scaling mode of one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setLinearDownscalerScalingModes (IfxCif_LinearDownscalerScalingMode horizMode, IfxCif_LinearDownscalerScalingMode vertMode)
 Function to set the scaling mode of one tier. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_generateMiImmediateConfigUpdateSignal (void)
 Function to generate an immediate configuration update signal for the memory interface submodule. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getBaseAddressInitializationEnableState (void)
 Function to query the enabled state of the update signal of the base address and buffer size shadow registers to the programmed register init values. More...
IFX_INLINE uint32 IfxCif_getMiByteCount (void)
 Function to query the number of JPEG or RAW data bytes of the last transmitted frame. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getMiByteSwapEnableState (void)
 Function to query the current state of the change of byte order of the 32 bit output word. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_MiBurstLength IfxCif_getMiChrominanceBurstLength (void)
 Function to query the currently set burst length for Cb and Cr data. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_MiBurstLength IfxCif_getMiLuminanceBurstLength (void)
 Function to query the currently set burst length for Y, JPEG, or RAW data. More...
IfxCif_getMiMainPictureWriteFormat (void)
 Function to query the currently set write format of the main picture path of the memory interface. More...
IFX_INLINE uint32 IfxCif_getMiMainPictureYInitialFillLevelInterruptOffset (void)
 Function to query the filling level that triggers an interrupt of main picture path Y component. More...
IFX_INLINE uint32 IfxCif_getMiMainPictureYInterruptOffset (void)
 Function to query the filling level of the main picture Y component that triggers an interrupt. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getMiOffsetCounterInitializationEnableState (void)
 Function to query the enabled state of the update signal of the offset counter shadow registers. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_miSkipPicture (void)
 Function to skip the current or next starting main data path picture. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setMiBaseAddressInitializationEnableState (IfxCif_State state)
 Function to enable or disable the update of the base address and buffer size shadow registers to the programmed register init values (update will be executed either when a forced software update occurs or when an automatic config update signal arrives at the MI input port) More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setMiByteSwapEnableState (IfxCif_State enableState)
 Function to enable or disable the change of byte order of the 32 bit output word. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setMiChrominanceBurstLength (IfxCif_MiBurstLength burstLength)
 Function to set the burst length for Cb and Cr data. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setMiMainPictureWriteFormat (IfxCif_MiMainPictureWriteFormat format)
 Function to set the write format of the main picture path of the memory interface. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setMiMainPictureYInitialFillLevelInterruptOffset (uint32 interruptOffset)
 Function to set the filling level to trigger an interrupt for main picture path Y component. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setMiOffsetCounterInitializationEnableState (IfxCif_State state)
 Function to enable or disable the update of the offset counter shadow registers (update will be executed either when a forced software update occurs or when an automatic config update signal arrives at the MI input port) More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_clearMiInterrupt (IfxCif_MiInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to clear an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_clearMiStatus (IfxCif_MiStatusClearSources source)
 Function to clear the status information of one status clear source of the memory interface submodule. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getMainPictureComponentBaseInitAddress (IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents component)
 Function to query the initial base address of the ring buffer of one main picture path component. More...
IfxCif_getMaskedMiInterruptTriggeredState (IfxCif_MiInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to query the masked state of an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getMiDataPathInputEnableState (IfxCif_MiDataPaths dataPath)
 Function to query the enabled state of one main data path component at the memory interface input. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getMiDataPathOutputEnableState (IfxCif_MiDataPaths dataPath)
 Function to query the enabled state of one main data path component at the memory interface output. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getMiFeatureEnableState (IfxCif_MiDataPaths dataPath)
 Function to query the enabled state of a memory interface data path. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getMiInterruptEnableState (IfxCif_MiInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to query the enabled state of an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getMiMainPictureComponentBaseAddress (IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents component)
 Function to query the current base address of the ring buffer of one main picture path component. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getMiMainPictureComponentInitSize (IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents component)
 Function to query the initial size of the ring buffer of one main picture path component. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getMiMainPictureComponentInitialOffsetCounter (IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents component)
 Function to query the initial offset counter inside the ring buffer of one main picture path compoent. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getMiMainPictureComponentOffsetCounter (IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents component)
 Function to query the current offset counter within the ring buffer of one main picture path component. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getMiMainPictureComponentOffsetCounterStart (IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents component)
 Function to query the offset counter which points to the start address of the previously processed picture for one main picture path component. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getMiMainPictureComponentSize (IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents component)
 Function to query the current size of the ring buffer of one main picture path component. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_ErrorState IfxCif_getMiStatusInformation (IfxCif_MiStatusInformationSources source)
 Function to query the status information of one status information source of the memory interface module. More...
IfxCif_getRawMiInterruptTriggeredState (IfxCif_MiInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to query the raw state of an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setMiFeatureEnableState (IfxCif_MiDataPaths dataPath, IfxCif_State enableState)
 Function to enable or disable one memory interface data path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setMiInterruptEnableState (IfxCif_MiInterruptSources interruptSource, IfxCif_State interruptEnableState)
 Function to enable or disable an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setMiInterruptRequestBit (IfxCif_MiInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to set an interrupt request bit (does not necessarily trigger an interrupt) More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setMiLuminanceBurstLength (IfxCif_MiBurstLength burstLength)
 Function to set the burst length for Y, JPEG, or RAW data. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setMiMainPictureComponentBaseInitAddress (IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents component, Ifx_AddressValue address)
 Function to set the initial base address of the ring buffer for one main picture path component. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setMiMainPictureComponentInitSize (IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents component, uint32 size)
 Function to set the initial size of the ring buffer for one main picture path component. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setMiMainPictureComponentInitialOffsetCounter (IfxCif_MiMainPicturePathComponents component, uint32 offsetCounter)
 Function to set the initial offset counter inside the ring buffer for one main picture path component. More...
IfxCif_getJpeHeaderGenerationMode (void)
 Function to query the current header generation debug control mode. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_JpeHeaderMode IfxCif_getJpeHeaderMode (void)
 Function to query the currently set JPE header mode. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getJpeMode (void)
 Function to query the JPE encode mode. More...
IFX_INLINE uint16 IfxCif_getJpeRestartInterval (void)
 Function to query the current restart interval. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_JpeState IfxCif_getJpeState (void)
 Function to get the current JPEG codec state. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_JpeTableId IfxCif_getJpeTableId (void)
 Function to query the current JPE Table ID. More...
IfxCif_getJpegJfifStreamEncoderContinuousMode (void)
 Function to query the current encoder continuous mode. More...
IfxCif_getJpegPictureEncodingFormat (void)
 Function to query the current picture encoding format. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_initJpegEncoder (void)
 Function to immediately start the JPEG encoder. This function has to be called after IfxCif_startJpegJfifStreamEncoder to start the JPEG encoder. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_jpeGenerateHeader (void)
 Function to start to generate JPEG stream header. Auto reset after one clock cycle. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setJpeHeaderGenerationMode (IfxCif_JpeHeaderGenerationMode headerGenerationMode)
 Function to set the header generation debug control mode. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setJpeHeaderMode (IfxCif_JpeHeaderMode headerMode)
 Function to set the JPE header mode. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setJpeRestartInterval (uint16 interval)
 Function to set the restart interval. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setJpeTableDataLsb (uint8 data)
 Function to set the JPE Table LSB. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setJpeTableDataMsb (uint8 data)
 Function to set the JPE Table MSB. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setJpeTableId (IfxCif_JpeTableId tableId)
 Function to set the JPE Table ID. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setJpegCodecImageSizes (uint16 hSize, uint16 vSize)
 Function to set the JPEG codec image sizes. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setJpegJfifStreamEncoderContinuousMode (IfxCif_JpegJfifStreamEncoderContinuousMode mode)
 Function to set the stream encoder continuous mode. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setJpegPictureEncodingFormat (IfxCif_JpegPictureEncodingFormat format)
 Function to set the picture encoding format. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_startJpegJfifStreamEncoder (void)
 Function to start JFIF stream encoding. Auto reset after one clock cycle. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_clearJpeInterrupt (IfxCif_JpeInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to clear an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint8 IfxCif_getHuffmanAcTableLength (IfxCif_HuffmanTables table)
 Function to query the currently set Huffman Table length for AC values. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getHuffmanAcTableSelectorState (IfxCif_HuffmanTables table, IfxCif_HuffmanTableComponents component)
 Function to check if a Huffman Table and a Huffman Table component is enabled for AC values. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint8 IfxCif_getHuffmanDcTableLength (IfxCif_HuffmanTables table)
 Function to query the current Huffman Table length for DC values. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getHuffmanDcTableSelectorState (IfxCif_HuffmanTables table, IfxCif_HuffmanTableComponents component)
 Function to check if a Huffman Table and a Huffman Table component is enabled for DC values. More...
IfxCif_getJpeDebugSignalState (IfxCif_JpeDebugSignalSources source)
 Function to query the state of one JPE debug signal source. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getJpeInterruptEnableState (IfxCif_JpeInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to query the enabled state of an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_JpeQTableSelector IfxCif_getJpeQTableSelector (IfxCif_JpeQTableSelectorComponents component)
 Function to query the currently selected Q-Table for one component. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getJpeScalingEnableState (IfxCif_JpeScalingValueSources source)
 Function to query the current enabled state of the scaling of an input value source. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getJpegCodecImageSize (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the currently set JPEG codec image size of one tier. More...
IfxCif_getMaskedJpeInterruptTriggeredState (IfxCif_JpeInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to query the masked state of an interrupt. More...
IfxCif_getRawJpeInterruptTriggeredState (IfxCif_JpeInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to query the raw state of an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_programJpeTable (IfxCif_JpeTableId tableId, const uint8 *tableEntry, uint8 length)
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setHuffmanAcTableLength (IfxCif_HuffmanTables table, uint8 length)
 Function to set the Huffman Table length for AC values. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setHuffmanAcTableSelector (IfxCif_HuffmanTables table, IfxCif_HuffmanTableComponents component)
 Function to set the Huffman Table selector for AC Values. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setHuffmanDcTableLength (IfxCif_HuffmanTables table, uint8 length)
 Function to set the Huffman Table length for DC values. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setHuffmanDcTableSelector (IfxCif_HuffmanTables table, IfxCif_HuffmanTableComponents component)
 Function to set the Huffman Table selector for DC values. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setJpeInterruptEnableState (IfxCif_JpeInterruptSources interruptSource, IfxCif_State interruptEnableState)
 Function to enable or disable an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setJpeInterruptRequestBit (IfxCif_JpeInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to set an interrupt request bit (does not necessarily trigger an interrupt) More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setJpeQTableSelector (IfxCif_JpeQTableSelectorComponents component, IfxCif_JpeQTableSelector selector)
 Function to set the Q-Table selector for one component. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setJpeScalingEnableState (IfxCif_JpeScalingValueSources source, IfxCif_State scalingEnable)
 Function to enable or disable scaling of one input value source. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setJpegCodecImageSize (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, uint16 size)
 Function to set the JPEG codec image size of one tier. More...
IFX_INLINE uint16 IfxCif_getSecurityWatchdogCounterPredivider (void)
 Function to query the currently set watchdog predivider. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getSecurityWatchdogEnableState (void)
 Function to query the enabled state of the watchdog unit. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setSecurityWatchdogCounterPredivider (uint16 predivider)
 Function to set the watchdog predivider counter (A value of 0 means that the Watchdog Counters are increased with every CIF clock cycle. Every other value N leads to an increment at every N+1th cycle) More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setSecurityWatchdogEnableState (IfxCif_State enableState)
 Function to enable or disable the watchdog unit. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_clearSecurityWatchdogInterrupt (IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to clear an interrupt. More...
IfxCif_getMaskedSecurityWatchdogInterruptTriggeredState (IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to get the masked state of an interrupt. More...
IfxCif_getRawSecurityWatchdogInterruptTriggeredState (IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to get the raw state of an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getSecurityWatchdogInterruptEnableState (IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to query the enabled state of an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getSecurityWatchdogTimeout (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogTimeoutCounters timeoutCounter)
 Function to query the current value of a timeout counter of one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_resetSecurityWatchdogCounter (IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogCounters counter)
 Function to reset one watchdog counter. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setSecurityWatchdogInterruptEnableState (IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogInterruptSources interruptSource, IfxCif_State interruptEnableState)
 Function to enable or disable an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setSecurityWatchdogInterruptRequestBit (IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogInterruptSources interruptSource)
 Function to set an interrupt request bit (does not necessarily trigger an interrupt) More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setSecurityWatchdogTimeout (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, IfxCif_SecurityWatchdogTimeoutCounters timeoutCounter, uint16 timeout)
 Function to set the timeout for a watchdog timeout counter of one tier. A value of 0 disables the timeout. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getIspisEnableState (void)
 Function to query the enabled state of image stabilization. More...
IFX_INLINE uint8 IfxCif_getIspisRecenterValue (void)
 Function to query the current image stabilization recenter value. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspisEnableState (IfxCif_State enableState)
 Function to enable or disable image stabilization. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspisOutputWindowOffsets (IfxCif_ImageTiers hOffset, uint16 vOffset)
 Function to set the image stabilization offsets of the output window. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspisPictureSizes (uint16 hSize, uint16 vSize)
 Function to set the picture size. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setIspisRecenterValue (uint8 value)
 Function to set the image stabilization recenter value. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getIspisCameraDisplacement (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the current camera displacement for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getIspisCurrentPictureOffset (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the offset of the current picture for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getIspisCurrentPictureSize (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the picture size of the current picture for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getIspisMaximumDisplacement (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the current maximum displacement for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getIspisOffsetOutputWindow (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the current image stabilization offset of the output window of one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getIspisPictureSize (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the current picture size for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getIspisRecenterEnableState (void)
 Function to query the enabled state of image stabilization recenter feature. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setIspisCameraDisplacement (uint16 tier, uint16 displacement)
 Function to set the camera displacement for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setIspisMaximumDisplacement (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, uint16 displacement)
 Function to set the maximum displacement for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setIspisOutputWindowOffset (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, uint16 offset)
 Function to set the image stabilization offset of the output window of one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setIspisPictureSize (IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, uint16 size)
 Function to set the picture size for one tier. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_clearEpError (IfxCif_EpErrorClearSources source)
 Function to clear one extra path error. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_clearEpInterrupt (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_EpInterrupts interruptSource)
 Function to clear an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_epForceConfigurationUpdate (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to trigger an immediate configuration update for one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_epSkipPicture (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to skip one picture of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getEpBaseAddress (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the current base address of the ring buffer of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getEpBaseInitAddress (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the initial base address of the ring buffer of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getEpCroppingCameraDisplacement (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the image cropping camera displacement of one tier of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getEpCroppingCurrentPictureOffset (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the current image cropping picture offset of one tier of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getEpCroppingCurrentPictureSize (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the current image cropping picture size of one tier of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getEpCroppingEnableState (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the image cropping enabled state of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getEpCroppingMaximumDisplacement (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the maximum displacement of one tier of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getEpCroppingOffsetOutputWindow (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the image cropping offset of the output window of one tier of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getEpCroppingPictureSize (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_ImageTiers tier)
 Function to query the image cropping picture size of one tier of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getEpCroppingRecenterState (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the enabled state of the recenter feature of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_ErrorState IfxCif_getEpErrorState (IfxCif_EpErrorSources source)
 Function to query the state of an extra path error source. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getEpFeatureEnableState (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_EpFeatures feature)
 Function to query the enabled state of one feature of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getEpInitSize (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the initial size of the ring buffer of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getEpInitialFillLevelInterruptOffset (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the initial filling level interrupt offset of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getEpInitialOffsetCounter (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the initial offset counter of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getEpInputEnableState (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the current input enable state of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getEpInterruptEnableState (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_EpInterrupts interruptSource)
 Function to query the enabled state of an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getEpInterruptOffset (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the current interrupt offset of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getEpOffsetCounter (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the current offset counter of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getEpOffsetCounterStart (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the initial offset counter start value of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getEpOutputEnableState (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the current output enable state of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint8 IfxCif_getEpRecenterValue (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the current recenter value of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getEpSize (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the current ring buffer size of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_EpWriteFormat IfxCif_getEpWriteFormat (IfxCif_ExtraPath z)
 Function to query the write format of one extra path. More...
IfxCif_getMaskedEpInterruptTriggeredState (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_EpInterrupts interruptSource)
 Function to get the masked state of an interrupt. More...
IfxCif_getRawEpInterruptTriggeredState (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_EpInterrupts interruptSource)
 Function to query the raw state of an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpBaseInitAddress (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, Ifx_AddressValue baseAddress)
 Function to set the initial base address of the ring buffer of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpCroppingCameraDisplacement (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, uint16 displacement)
 Function to set the image cropping camera displacement of one tier of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpCroppingEnableState (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, uint32 enableState)
 Function to enable or disable image cropping of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpCroppingMaximumDisplacement (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, uint16 displacement)
 Function to set the maximum displacement of one tier of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpCroppingOffsetOutputWindow (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, uint16 offset)
 Function to set the image cropping offset of the output window of one tier of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpCroppingOffsetsOutputWindow (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, uint16 hOffset, uint16 vOffset)
 Function to set the image cropping offsets of the output window of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpCroppingPictureSize (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_ImageTiers tier, uint16 size)
 Function to set the image cropping picture size of one tier of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpCroppingPictureSizes (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, uint16 hSize, uint16 vSize)
 Function to set the image cropping picture sizes one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpFeatureEnableState (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_EpFeatures feature, IfxCif_State enableState)
 Function to enable or disable one feature of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpInitSize (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, uint32 size)
 Function to set the initial size of the ring buffer of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpInitialFillLevelInterruptOffset (uint32 z, uint32 interruptOffset)
 Function to set the initial filling level interrupt offset of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpInitialOffsetCounter (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, uint32 offsetCounter)
 Function to set the initial offset counter of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpInterruptEnableState (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_EpInterrupts interruptSource, IfxCif_State interruptEnableState)
 Function to enable or disable an interrupt. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpInterruptRequestBit (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_EpInterrupts interruptSource)
 Function to set an interrupt request bit (does not necessarily trigger an interrupt) More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpOffsetCounterStart (uint32 z, uint32 offsetCounter)
 Function to set the initial offset counter start value of one extra path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpRecenterValue (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, uint8 value)
 Function to set the recenter value of one extra path (0 to switch the recenter feature off, for all other values recentering is active (cur_h/v_offs-H/V_OFFS)/2power(recenter)) More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setEpWriteFormat (IfxCif_ExtraPath z, IfxCif_EpWriteFormat writeFormat)
 Function to set the write format for one extra path. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_State IfxCif_getDpEnableState (void)
 Function to query the debug path enabled state. More...
IFX_INLINE IfxCif_DpSourcePath IfxCif_getDpSourcePath (void)
 Function to query the selected debug path source path. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setDpEnableState (IfxCif_State enableState)
 Function to enable or disable the debug path. More...
IFX_INLINE void IfxCif_setDpSourcePath (IfxCif_DpSourcePath sourcePath)
 Function to select one debug path source path. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_dpResetCounter (IfxCif_DpCounters counter)
 Function to reset one debug path counter. More...
IFX_EXTERN IfxCif_State IfxCif_getDpControlEnableState (IfxCif_DpControlSources source)
 Function to query the transmission enabled state of one debug path control source. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint32 IfxCif_getDpCounter (IfxCif_DpCounters counter)
 Function to query the current counter value of one debug path counter. More...
IFX_EXTERN uint16 IfxCif_getDpUserDefinedSymbol (uint8 x)
 Function to query the value of one user defined debug symbol. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setDpControlEnableState (IfxCif_DpControlSources source, IfxCif_State enableState)
 Function to enable or disable transmission of one debug path control source. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setDpCounter (IfxCif_DpCounters counter, uint32 counterValue)
 Function to set one debug path counter to a counter value. More...
IFX_EXTERN void IfxCif_setDpUserDefinedSymbol (uint8 x, uint16 value)
 Function to set one user defined debug symbol. More...

Detailed Description

CIF basic functionality.

                            IMPORTANT NOTICE

Infineon Technologies AG (Infineon) is supplying this file for use exclusively with Infineon's microcontroller products. This file can be freely distributed within development tools that are supporting such microcontroller products.


Definition in file IfxCif.h.