iLLD_TC27xD  1.0
Data structures
Collaboration diagram for Data structures:

Data Structures

struct  IfxMultican_Can_FdConfig
 Structure for CAN FD configuration. More...
struct  IfxMultican_Can_GatewayConfig
 Structure for gateway configuration. More...
struct  IfxMultican_Can_InterruptConfig
 Structure for interrupt configuration. More...
struct  IfxMultican_Can_InterruptSource
 Structure for interrupt source. More...
struct  IfxMultican_Can_MsgObjControl
 Message object control. More...
struct  IfxMultican_Can_Node
 CAN node handle data structure. More...
struct  IfxMultican_Can
 CAN handle data structure. More...
struct  IfxMultican_Can_Config
 CAN module configuration. More...
struct  IfxMultican_Can_MsgObj
 CAN message object handle data structure. More...
struct  IfxMultican_Can_MsgObjConfig
 CAN message object configuration. More...
struct  IfxMultican_Can_NodeConfig
 CAN Node configuration. More...

Detailed Description

Data Structure Documentation

struct IfxMultican_Can_FdConfig

Structure for CAN FD configuration.

Definition at line 763 of file IfxMultican_Can.h.

Data Fields
uint32 fastBaudrate Specifies the FD fast baudrate (Data Bit rate)
uint16 fastSamplePoint Specifies the FD fast sample point. Range = [0, 10000] resp. [0%, 100%] of the total bit time.
uint16 fastSynchJumpWidth Specifies the FD fast resynchronisation jump width. Range = [0, 10000] resp. [0%, 100%] of the total fast bit time.
uint16 loopDelayOffset Specifies the transceiver delay ompensation offset that is added to the measured transceiver delay. Range = [0, 15].
uint32 nominalBaudrate Specifies the FD nominal baudrate (Nominal Bit Rate)
uint16 nominalSamplePoint Specifies the FD nominal sample point. Range = [0, 10000] resp. [0%, 100%] of the total bit time.
uint16 nominalSynchJumpWidth Specifies the FD nominal resynchronisation jump width. Range = [0, 10000] resp. [0%, 100%] of the total nominal bit time.
struct IfxMultican_Can_GatewayConfig

Structure for gateway configuration.

Definition at line 776 of file IfxMultican_Can.h.

Data Fields
uint32 copyData: 1 Specifies the choice for copying data (data low and data high)
uint32 copyDataLengthCode: 1 Specifies the choice for copying data length code.
uint32 copyId: 1 Specifies the choice for copying id of the message.
uint32 enableTransmit: 1 Specifies the enable choice of TXRQ in the destination gateway object (GDFS of source gateway object)
IfxMultican_MsgObjId gatewayDstObjId Message object number of first slave object (bottom pointer)
struct IfxMultican_Can_InterruptConfig

Structure for interrupt configuration.

Definition at line 787 of file IfxMultican_Can.h.

Data Fields
uint16 priority interrupt priority
IfxSrc_Tos typeOfService type of interrupt service
struct IfxMultican_Can_InterruptSource

Structure for interrupt source.

Definition at line 795 of file IfxMultican_Can.h.

Data Fields
boolean enabled If true, enables the interrupt generation.
IfxMultican_SrcId srcId interrupt node pointer used
struct IfxMultican_Can_MsgObjControl

Message object control.

Definition at line 803 of file IfxMultican_Can.h.

Data Fields
IfxMultican_MsgObjId bottomMsgObjId Specifies the ID of the message object with data byte 36 to 63. (CAN FD)
uint32 extendedFrame: 1 Specifies the standard / extended frame mode. 0: standard frame 11 bit ID; 1: extended frame 29 bit ID.
uint32 fastBitRate: 1 Specifies the bit rate switch. 0: nominal bit rate ; 1: fast bit rate.
uint32 matchingId: 1 Specifies the acceptance mask. 0: standard & extended frame (11 & 29 bit); 1: only frames with maching IDE.
IfxMultican_DataLengthCode messageLen Specifies the length of the transmited data (number of bytes). This value is ignored for receive object.
uint32 singleDataTransfer: 1 Specifies the single data transfer option. If 1, single data transfer is selected.
uint32 singleTransmitTrial: 1 Specifies the single transmit trial option. If 1, single transmit trial is selected.
IfxMultican_MsgObjId topMsgObjId Specifies the ID of the message object with data byte 8 to 35. (CAN FD)
struct IfxMultican_Can_Node

CAN node handle data structure.

Definition at line 817 of file IfxMultican_Can.h.

Data Fields
boolean fastNode CAN FD fast node enable/disable.
Ifx_CAN * mcan Specifies the pointer to the MULTICAN module registers.
Ifx_CAN_N * node Specifies the pointer to the MULTICAN node registers.
IfxMultican_NodeId nodeId Specifies the node Id.
struct IfxMultican_Can

CAN handle data structure.

Definition at line 831 of file IfxMultican_Can.h.

Data Fields
Ifx_CAN * mcan Specifies the pointer to the MULTICAN module registers.
struct IfxMultican_Can_Config

CAN module configuration.

Definition at line 838 of file IfxMultican_Can.h.

Collaboration diagram for IfxMultican_Can_Config:
Data Fields
IfxMultican_ClockSelect clockSelect Selected module input clock.
Ifx_CAN * module pointer to MULTICAN module
float32 moduleFreq Required module frequency in Hertz.
IfxMultican_Can_InterruptConfig nodePointer[IFXMULTICAN_NUM_SRC] Node pointer configuration.
struct IfxMultican_Can_MsgObj

CAN message object handle data structure.

Definition at line 848 of file IfxMultican_Can.h.

Collaboration diagram for IfxMultican_Can_MsgObj:
Data Fields
IfxMultican_MsgObjId fifoPointer Pointer for FIFO based transfers.
uint16 msgObjCount Number of message object sto be initialised (1 for standard Msg Obj and no. of objects including base object for FIFO transfers)
IfxMultican_MsgObjId msgObjId Specifies the message object ID.
IfxMultican_Can_Node * node Specifies the pointer to the node handle.
struct IfxMultican_Can_MsgObjConfig

CAN message object configuration.

Definition at line 858 of file IfxMultican_Can.h.

Collaboration diagram for IfxMultican_Can_MsgObjConfig:
Data Fields
uint32 acceptanceMask Specifies the acceptance mask.
IfxMultican_Can_MsgObjControl control Message object control.
IfxMultican_MsgObjId firstSlaveObjId Message object number of first slave object (bottom pointer)
IfxMultican_Frame frame Specifies the frame type.
IfxMultican_Can_GatewayConfig gatewayConfig Structure for gateway configuration.
uint32 gatewayTransfers: 1 Specifies the gateway source object (gateway transfres enable / disable choice)
uint32 messageId Specifies the message ID.
uint16 msgObjCount Number of message object sto be initialised (1 for standard Msg Obj and no. of objects including base object for FIFO transfers)
IfxMultican_MsgObjId msgObjId Specifies the message object ID.
IfxMultican_Can_Node * node Specifies the pointer to the node handle.
IfxMultican_Priority priority Specifies the message object priority.
IfxMultican_Can_InterruptSource rxInterrupt Rx Interrupt configuration.
IfxMultican_Can_InterruptSource txInterrupt Tx Interrupt configuration.
struct IfxMultican_Can_NodeConfig

CAN Node configuration.

Definition at line 877 of file IfxMultican_Can.h.

Collaboration diagram for IfxMultican_Can_NodeConfig:
Data Fields
IfxMultican_Can_InterruptSource alertInterrupt Alert interrupt.
boolean analyzerMode Specifies the analizer mode. If TRUE then the CAN Node works in analizer mode.
uint32 baudrate Specifies the baudrate.
uint8 errorWarningLevel Specifies the error warinig level.
IfxMultican_Can_FdConfig fdConfig Specifies CAN FD configuration.
boolean flexibleDataRate CANFD enable/disable.
IfxMultican_Can_InterruptSource frameCounterInterrupt Frame counter interrupt.
IfxMultican_Can_InterruptSource lastErrorCodeInterrupt Last error code interrupt.
boolean loopBackMode Specifies the loop back mode. If TRUE then the CAN Node works in loop back mode.
Ifx_CAN * module pointer to MULTICAN module
IfxMultican_NodeId nodeId Specifies the node Id.
IfxMultican_Rxd_In * rxPin Specifies the receive pin.
IfxPort_InputMode rxPinMode Specifies the receive pin as input mode.
uint16 samplePoint Specifies the sample point. Range = [0, 10000] resp. [0%, 100%] of the total bit time.
uint16 synchJumpWidth Specifies the resynchronisation jump width. Range = [0, 10000] resp. [0%, 100%] of the total bit time.
IfxMultican_Can_InterruptSource timerInterrupt Timer Interrupt.
IfxMultican_Can_InterruptSource transferInterrupt Transfer interrupt.
IfxMultican_Txd_Out * txPin Specifies the transmit pin.
IfxPort_OutputMode txPinMode Specifies the transmit pin output mode.