102/** \brief The password protection of the selected UCB (if this UCB offers this feature) is temporarily disabled. The command fails by setting PROER when any of the supplied PWs does not match. In this case until the next application reset all further calls of "Disable Protection" fail with PROER independent of the supplied password.
103 * \param flash selects the flash (PMU) module
104 * \param ucb selects the user configuration block (0 for UCB0, 1 for UCB1, 5 for UCB_HSMC)
105 * \param password password pointer to an array of 8 words
298/** \brief Performs the "Write Burst" sequence, similar to write page but performs a burst transfer instead of page.Make sure the appropriate amount of data is loaded using load page command
299 * \param pageAddr start address of page which should be programmed
300 * \return None
301 *
302 * Usage Example:
303 * \code
304 *
305 * // program the second page of the first sector of the Program Flash