iLLD_TC27xD  1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * \file IfxSent_Sent.h
3  * \brief SENT SENT details
4  * \ingroup IfxLld_Sent
5  *
6  * \version iLLD_1_0_0_11_0
7  * \copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Infineon Technologies AG. All rights reserved.
8  *
9  *
11  *
12  *
13  * Infineon Technologies AG (Infineon) is supplying this file for use
14  * exclusively with Infineon's microcontroller products. This file can be freely
15  * distributed within development tools that are supporting such microcontroller
16  * products.
17  *
23  *
24  *
25  * \defgroup IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Usage How to use the SENT Interface driver?
26  * \ingroup IfxLld_Sent
27  *
28  * This SENT interface driver provides functions to communicate with external sensors.
29  *
30  * \section IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Preparation Preparation
31  * \subsection IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Include Include Files
32  *
33  * Include following header file into your C code:
34  * \code
35  * #include <Sent/Sent/IfxSent_Sent.h>
36  *
37  * \endcode
38  *
39  * \subsection IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Variables Variables
40  *
41  * Declare SENT module and channel handles as global variables in your C code.
42  * If multiple SENT channels should be serviced, it makes sense to declare the SENT channel handle as an array:
43  * \code
44  * #define TESTED_SENT_CHANNELS 3
45  *
46  * static IfxSent_Sent sent;
47  * static IfxSent_Sent_Channel sentChannel[TESTED_SENT_CHANNELS];
48  * \endcode
49  *
50  * \subsection IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Interrupt Interrupt Handler Installation
51  *
52  * See also \ref IfxLld_Cpu_Irq_Usage
53  *
54  * Define priorities for the Interrrupt handler. This is normally done in the Ifx_IntPrioDef.h file:
55  * \code
57  * \endcode
58  *
59  * Add the interrupt service routine to your C code. It has to call the SENT interrupt handler by passing the SENT channel handle:
60  * \code
61  * void SentInterruptHandler(IfxSent_Sent_Channel *channel);
62  *
64  * {
65  * int i;
66  *
67  * for(i=0; i<TESTED_SENT_CHANNELS; ++i)
68  * {
69  * SentInterruptHandler(&sentChannel[i]);
70  * }
71  * }
72  * \endcode
73  *
74  * Note: the SentInterruptHandler function is not part of the interface driver, but has to be
75  * implemented in the application. A template can be found below under \ref IfxLld_Sent_Sent_ISR
76  *
77  * Finally install the interrupt handlers in your initialisation function:
78  * \code
79  * // install interrupt handler
80  * IfxCpu_Irq_installInterruptHandler(&sentChannelISR, IFX_INTPRIO_SENT_CHANNEL);
81  * IfxCpu_enableInterrupts();
82  * \endcode
83  *
84  *
85  * \subsection IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Init Module Initialisation
86  *
87  * The module initialisation can be done in the same function.
88  * Here an example for SENT and SPC mode:
89  *
90  * \code
91  * // create module config
92  * IfxSent_Sent_Config sentConfig;
93  * IfxSent_Sent_initModuleConfig(&sentConfig, &MODULE_SENT);
94  *
95  * // initialize module
96  * //IfxSent_Sent sent; // defined globally
97  * IfxSent_Sent_initModule(&sent, &sentConfig);
98  * \endcode
99  *
100  * \subsection IfxLld_Sent_Sent_InitChannel Channel Initialisation
101  * After the module has been initialized, one or more SENT channels can be configured.
102  *
103  * Here an example for three SENT channels in SENT and SPC mode:
104  * \code
105  * // create channel config
106  * IfxSent_Sent_ChannelConfig sentChannelConfig;
107  * IfxSent_Sent_initChannelConfig(&sentChannelConfig, &sent);
108  *
109  * // define tUnit of the external sensor
110  * sentChannelConfig.tUnit = 3.0E-6;
111  *
112  * // ISR priorities and interrupt target
113  * sentChannelConfig.interrupt.priority = IFX_INTPRIO_SENT_CHANNEL;
114  * sentChannelConfig.interrupt.isrProvider = IfxCpu_Irq_getTos(IfxCpu_getCoreIndex());
115  *
116  * int i;
117  * for(i=0; i<TESTED_SENT_CHANNELS; ++i)
118  * {
119  * // pin configuration
120  * const IfxSent_Sent_Pins sentPins[TESTED_SENT_CHANNELS] =
121  * {
122  * { // Channel 0
123  * &IfxSent_SENT0C_P02_8_IN, IfxPort_InputMode_noPullDevice, // SENT input
124  * &IfxSent_SPC0_P00_1_OUT, IfxPort_OutputMode_openDrain, // SENT output
125  * IfxPort_PadDriver_cmosAutomotiveSpeed1
126  * },
127  *
128  * { // Channel 1
129  * &IfxSent_SENT1C_P02_7_IN, IfxPort_InputMode_noPullDevice, // SENT input
130  * &IfxSent_SPC1_P02_7_OUT, IfxPort_OutputMode_openDrain, // SENT output
131  * IfxPort_PadDriver_cmosAutomotiveSpeed1
132  * },
133  *
134  * { // Channel 2
135  * &IfxSent_SENT2C_P02_6_IN, IfxPort_InputMode_noPullDevice, // SENT input
136  * &IfxSent_SPC2_P00_3_OUT, IfxPort_OutputMode_openDrain, // SENT output
137  * IfxPort_PadDriver_cmosAutomotiveSpeed1
138  * },
139  * };
140  *
141  * sentChannelConfig.pins = &sentPins[i];
142  *
143  * // set channel
144  * sentChannelConfig.channelId = (IfxSent_ChannelId)i;
145  *
146  * // initialize channel
147  * IfxSent_Sent_initChannel(&sentChannel[i], &sentChannelConfig);
148  * }
149  * \endcode
150  *
151  * \subsection IfxLld_Sent_Sent_ISR Interrupt Service Handler
152  * The ISR has to be implemented in the application. Following template can be used
153  * to react on the events:
154  *
155  * \code
156  * void SentInterruptHandler(IfxSent_Sent_Channel *channel)
157  * {
158  * Ifx_SENT_CH_INTSTAT interruptStatus = IfxSent_Sent_getAndClearInterruptStatus(channel);
159  *
160  * if( interruptStatus.U )
161  * {
162  * // check for error conditions
163  * if (interruptStatus.U & IFXSENT_INTERRUPT_STATUS_ERROR_FLAGS)
164  * {
165  * // * Receive Buffer Overflow
166  * // * This bit is set after a frame has been received while the old one was
167  * // * not read from RDRx. I.e. the kernel wants to set any of the two
168  * // * interrupts RSI and RDI and finds any of these two interrupts already
169  * // * set. The old data is overwritten by the new data.
170  * // *
171  * if (interruptStatus.B.RBI)
172  * {
173  * // insert your error handling code here
174  * __debug();
175  * }
176  *
177  * // * Transmit Buffer Underflow
178  * // * This bit is set after data has been completely transferred (PLEN
179  * // * exceeded) and no new data was written to SCRx.
180  * // *
181  * if (interruptStatus.B.TBI)
182  * {
183  * // insert your error handling code here
184  * __debug();
185  * }
186  *
187  * // * Frequency Range Error
188  * // * This bit is set after a Synchronization / Calibration pulse was
189  * // * received that deviates more than +- 25% from the nominal value.
190  * // * The referring data is ignored.
191  * // *
192  * if (interruptStatus.B.FRI)
193  * {
194  * // insert your error handling code here
195  * __debug();
196  * }
197  *
198  * // * Frequency Drift Error
199  * // * This bit is set after a subsequent Synchronization / Calibration
200  * // * pulse was received that deviates more than 1.5625% (1/64) from its
201  * // * predecessor.
202  * // *
203  * if (interruptStatus.B.FDI)
204  * {
205  * // insert your error handling code here
206  * __debug();
207  * }
208  *
209  * // * Wrong Number of Nibbles
210  * // * This bit is set after a more nibbles have been received than expected
211  * // * or a Synchronization / Calibration Pulse is received too early thus
212  * // * too few nibbles have been received
213  * // *
214  * if (interruptStatus.B.NNI)
215  * {
216  * // insert your error handling code here
217  * __debug();
218  * }
219  *
220  * // * Nibbles Value out of Range
221  * // * This bit is set after a too long or too short nibble pulse has been
222  * // * received. I.e. value < 0 or value > 15.
223  * // *
224  * if (interruptStatus.B.NVI)
225  * {
226  * // insert your error handling code here
227  * __debug();
228  * }
229  *
230  * // * CRC Error
231  * // * This bit is set if the CRC check fails.
232  * // *
233  * if (interruptStatus.B.CRCI)
234  * {
235  * // insert your error handling code here
236  * __debug();
237  * }
238  *
239  * // * Wrong Status and Communication Nibble Error
240  * // * In standard Serial Frame Mode (RCR.ESF is cleared), this bit is set
241  * // * if the Status and Communication nibble shows a start bit in a frame
242  * // * other than frame number n x 16.
243  * // * In Extended Serial Frame Mode this bit is without function.
244  * // *
245  * if (interruptStatus.B.WSI)
246  * {
247  * // insert your error handling code here
248  * __debug();
249  * }
250  *
251  * // * Serial Data CRC Error
252  * // * This bit is set if the CRC of the serial message fails.
253  * // * In Extended Serial Message Format, this includes a check of the Serial
254  * // * Communication Nibble for correct 0 values of bit 3 in frames 7, 13 and 18.
255  * // *
256  * if (interruptStatus.B.SCRI)
257  * {
258  * // insert your error handling code here
259  * __debug();
260  * }
261  *
262  * // * Watch Dog Error
263  * // * This bit is set if the Watch Dog Timer of the channel expires.
264  * // *
265  * if (interruptStatus.B.WDI)
266  * {
267  * // insert your error handling code here
268  * __debug();
269  * }
270  * }
271  *
272  * // transaction events
273  *
274  * // * Receive Data
275  * // * RDI is activated when a received frame is moved to a Receive Data
276  * // * Register RDR. Both RDI and RSI will be issued together in normal use
277  * // * cases where the frame size is not bigger than 8 nibbles and CRC is
278  * // * correct or not checked (if RCRx.CDIS is cleared).
279  * // *
280  * if (interruptStatus.B.RDI)
281  * {
282  * // * Ignore RDI bit, useful only when Frame Length is greater than
283  * // * 8 nibbles since it can indicate that end of frame
284  * // *
285  * }
286  *
287  * // * Receive Success
288  * // * This bit is set at the successfully received end of a frame.
289  * // * Depending on bit RCRx.CDIS this indicates a successful check of the CRC.
290  * // *
291  * if (interruptStatus.B.RSI)
292  * {
293  * // here you could handle the incoming frame:
294  * IfxSent_Sent_Frame frame;
295  * IfxSent_Sent_readChannelSerialDataFrame(channel, &frame);
296  *
297  * // do something with the incoming data
298  * }
299  *
300  * // * Transfer Data
301  * // * This bit is set after the trigger condition was detected. Data to be
302  * // * transferred has been moved internally. Thus a new value can be written
303  * // * to SCRx. This can be used for back to back transfers.
304  * // *
305  * if (interruptStatus.B.TDI)
306  * {
307  * }
308  *
309  * // * Serial Data Received
310  * // * This bit is set after all serial data bits have been received via the
311  * // * Status and Communication nibble. Depending on bit RCRx.SCDIS this
312  * // * indicates a successful check of the CRC.
313  * // *
314  * if (interruptStatus.B.SDI)
315  * {
316  * // here you could handle the incoming message:
317  *
318  * // decode incoming message
319  * IfxSent_Sent_SerialMessageFrame message;
320  * IfxSent_Sent_readChannelSerialMessageFrame(channel, &message);
321  *
322  * // do something with the incoming message
323  * }
324  * }
325  * }
326  * \endcode
327  *
328  * \subsection IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Frame Frame Decoding
329  * Following code snippet shows, how incoming data of a TLE4998S device can be decoded:
330  *
331  * \code
332  * static void parseSensorData(IfxSent_Sent_Frame *frame)
333  * {
334  * uint32 data = frame->data;
335  * uint8 statusNibble = frame->statusNibble;
336  *
337  * // select B range [mT]
338  * const uint8 rangeValTable[4] = { 200, 100, 50, 0 };
339  * uint8 rangeVal = rangeValTable[statusNibble & 3];
340  *
341  * uint16 hallVal = (short)((((data & 0xFFFF) * rangeVal) / 0x7FFF) - rangeVal);
342  * uint16 temperature = ((short)((data >> 16) & 0x00FF) - 55);
343  *
344  * // do something with the values here...
345  * }
346  * \endcode
347  *
348  * \defgroup IfxLld_Sent_Sent Interface Driver
349  * \ingroup IfxLld_Sent
350  * \defgroup IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Structures Data Structures
351  * \ingroup IfxLld_Sent_Sent
352  * \defgroup IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Module Module Functions
353  * \ingroup IfxLld_Sent_Sent
354  * \defgroup IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Channel Channel Functions
355  * \ingroup IfxLld_Sent_Sent
356  */
358 #ifndef IFXSENT_SENT_H
359 #define IFXSENT_SENT_H 1
361 /******************************************************************************/
362 /*----------------------------------Includes----------------------------------*/
363 /******************************************************************************/
365 #include "Scu/Std/IfxScuWdt.h"
366 #include "Sent/Std/IfxSent.h"
367 #include "Cpu/Irq/IfxCpu_Irq.h"
369 /******************************************************************************/
370 /*-----------------------------Data Structures--------------------------------*/
371 /******************************************************************************/
373 /** \addtogroup IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Structures
374  * \{ */
375 /** \brief Specifies the Interrupt type enables structure
376  */
377 typedef struct
378 {
379  uint8 receiveDataInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies receive data interrupt enable */
380  uint8 receiveSuccessInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies receive success interrupt enable */
381  uint8 receiveBufferOverflowInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies receive buffer overflow interrupt enable */
382  uint8 transferDataInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies transfer data interrupt enable */
383  uint8 transferBufferUnderflowInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies transfer buffer underflow interrupt enable */
384  uint8 serialDataReceiveInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies serial data interrupt enable */
385  uint8 watchdogErrorInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies watchdog error interrupt enable */
386  uint8 serialDataCrcErrorInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies serial data CRC error interrupt enable */
387  uint8 wrongStatusNibbleErrorInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies wrong status nibble error interrupt enable */
388  uint8 crcErrorInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies CRC error interrupt enable */
389  uint8 nibblesValueOutOfRangeErrorInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies nibble value out of range error interrupt enable */
390  uint8 nibblesWrongErrorInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies nibbles wrong error interrupt enable */
391  uint8 frequencyDriftErrorInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies frequency drift error interrupt enable */
392  uint8 frequencyRangeErrorInterrupt; /**< \brief Specifies frequency not in the range error interrupt enable */
395 /** \} */
397 /** \addtogroup IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Structures
398  * \{ */
399 /** \brief Specifies SENT handle structure
400  */
401 typedef struct
402 {
403  Ifx_SENT *sent; /**< \brief Specifies pointer to SENT registers */
404 } IfxSent_Sent;
406 /** \brief Specifies interrupt flags union . In addition it allows to write and read to/from all flags as once via the ALL member.
407  */
408 typedef union
409 {
410  uint32 ALL; /**< \brief Specifies to write and read to/from all flags as once via the ALL member. */
411  IfxSent_Sent_Enable enable; /**< \brief Structure contains the interrupt flags */
414 /** \brief Specifies the input output control properties
415  */
416 typedef struct
417 {
418  boolean inputPulsePolarityHigh; /**< \brief Specifies the polarity of input of each channel */
419  boolean outputPulsePolarityHigh; /**< \brief Specifies the polarity of input of each channel */
420  boolean edgeCounterCleared; /**< \brief Specifies the edge counter reset */
421  boolean glitchFallingCleared; /**< \brief Specifies the glitch falling edge clear */
422  boolean glitchRisingCleared; /**< \brief Specifies the glitch rising edge clear */
423  boolean triggerMonitorCleared; /**< \brief Specifies the trigger monitor reset */
424  IfxSent_DigitalGlitchesLength digitalGlitchFilterDepth; /**< \brief Specifies the Digital Glitch Filter depth for input signal delay */
425  IfxSent_ExternalTrigger externalTrigger; /**< \brief Specifies the external trigger line source */
428 /** \brief Specifies the interrupt control properties
429  */
430 typedef struct
431 {
432  uint16 priority; /**< \brief Specifies the interrupt priority. Always 1 since all interrupts are handled at a time */
433  IfxSrc_Tos isrProvider; /**< \brief Specifies the interrupt service provider. CPU or DMA. */
436 /** \brief Specifies the interrupt control properties structure
437  */
438 typedef struct
439 {
440  IfxSent_InterruptNodePointer receiveSuccessInterruptNode; /**< \brief Specifies the interrupt node for rsi request */
441  IfxSent_InterruptNodePointer receiveDataInterruptNode; /**< \brief Specifies the interrupt node for rdi request */
442  IfxSent_InterruptNodePointer receiveBufferOverflowInterruptNode; /**< \brief Specifies the interrupt node for rbi request */
443  IfxSent_InterruptNodePointer transferDataInterruptNode; /**< \brief Specifies the interrupt node for tdi request */
444  IfxSent_InterruptNodePointer transferBufferUnderflowInterruptNode; /**< \brief Specifies the interrupt node for tbi request */
445  IfxSent_InterruptNodePointer errorInterruptNode; /**< \brief Specifies the interrupt node for erri request */
446  IfxSent_InterruptNodePointer serialDataReceiveInterruptNode; /**< \brief Specifies the interrupt node for sdi request */
447  IfxSent_InterruptNodePointer watchdogErrorInterruptNode; /**< \brief Specifies the interrupt node for wdi request */
450 /** \brief Specifies the received nibbles control properties
451  */
452 typedef struct
453 {
454  IfxSent_Nibble nibblePointer0; /**< \brief Specifies the received nibble0 control */
455  IfxSent_Nibble nibblePointer1; /**< \brief Specifies the received nibble1 control */
456  IfxSent_Nibble nibblePointer2; /**< \brief Specifies the received nibble2 control */
457  IfxSent_Nibble nibblePointer3; /**< \brief Specifies the received nibble3 control */
458  IfxSent_Nibble nibblePointer4; /**< \brief Specifies the received nibble4 control */
459  IfxSent_Nibble nibblePointer5; /**< \brief Specifies the received nibble5 control */
460  IfxSent_Nibble nibblePointer6; /**< \brief Specifies the received nibble6 control */
461  IfxSent_Nibble nibblePointer7; /**< \brief Specifies the received nibble7 control */
464 /** \brief Specifies the pins configuration for SENT channel
465  */
466 typedef struct
467 {
468  const IfxSent_Sent_In *in; /**< \brief Specifies input pin configuration */
469  IfxPort_InputMode inMode; /**< \brief Specifies input pin mode */
470  const IfxSent_Spc_Out *out; /**< \brief Specifies output pin configuration */
471  IfxPort_OutputMode outMode; /**< \brief Specifies output pin mode */
472  IfxPort_PadDriver pinDriver; /**< \brief Pad driver mode definition */
475 /** \brief Specifies the receive control properties
476  */
477 typedef struct
478 {
479  boolean crcModeDisabled; /**< \brief Specifies the CRC mode disabled mode */
480  boolean crcMethodDisabled; /**< \brief Specifies the CRC with zero nibbles disabled or enabled */
481  boolean alternateCrcSelected; /**< \brief Specifies the CRC is calculated for both fast and serial messages */
482  boolean serialDataProcessingEnabled; /**< \brief Specifies the serial data processing mode */
483  boolean serialDataDisabledCrcDisabled; /**< \brief Specifies the CRC disable for serial data disabled mode */
484  boolean statusNibbleEnabled; /**< \brief Specifies the status nibble to include in CRC */
485  boolean driftErrorsDisabled; /**< \brief Specifies the drift errors enabled or disabled */
486  boolean endPulseIgnored; /**< \brief Specifies the pause pulse during synchronization */
487  boolean suspendTriggered; /**< \brief Specifies the suspend trigger disables the channel or not */
488  uint8 frameLength; /**< \brief Specifies frame length in nibbles */
489  IfxSent_FrameCheckMode frameCheckMode; /**< \brief Specifies the frame check mode for valid frame */
490  IfxSent_ExtendedSerialFrameMode extendedSerialFrameMode; /**< \brief Specifies the extended serial frame mode */
493 /** \brief Specifies the SPC channel properties structure
494  */
495 typedef struct
496 {
497  uint8 pulseLength; /**< \brief Specifies the pulse length in ticktimes */
498  uint8 pulseDelayLength; /**< \brief Specifies the pulse delay length */
499  IfxSent_TriggerSource triggerSource; /**< \brief Specifies the trigger source and mode */
500  IfxSent_TimeBase timeBase; /**< \brief Specifies the pulse time base */
501  IfxSent_SpcMode spcMode; /**< \brief Specifies the SENT SPC operational mode */
504 /** \} */
506 /** \addtogroup IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Structures
507  * \{ */
508 /** \brief Specifies the SENT Channel handle structure
509  */
510 typedef struct
511 {
512  IfxSent_Sent *driver; /**< \brief Specifies the pointer to SENT module handler */
513  Ifx_SENT_CH *channel; /**< \brief Specifies the pointer SENT channel registers */
514  IfxSent_ChannelId channelId; /**< \brief Specifies the SENT channel number */
517 /** \brief Specifies the SENT Channel configuration structure
518  */
519 typedef struct
520 {
521  IfxSent_Sent *driver; /**< \brief Specifies the pointer to SENT module handler */
522  uint16 watchDogTimerLimit; /**< \brief Speciifes the enabled interrupts for each Channel */
523  IfxSent_ChannelId channelId; /**< \brief Specifies the SENT channel number */
524  IfxSent_Sent_InputOutputControl inputOutputControl; /**< \brief Specifies the input output controllable properties */
525  IfxSent_Sent_ReceiveControl receiveControl; /**< \brief Specifies the receive control properties */
526  IfxSent_Sent_TransmitControl transmitControl; /**< \brief Specifies the transmit control properties */
527  IfxSent_Sent_InterruptNodeControl interuptNodeControl; /**< \brief Specifies the interrupt control properties structure */
528  const IfxSent_Sent_Pins *pins; /**< \brief Specifies the pins configuration for SENT channel */
529  float32 tUnit; /**< \brief desired unit time (f_tick), e.g. 3E-6 for 3 uS */
530  IfxSent_Sent_NibbleControl nibbleControl; /**< \brief Specifies the received nibbles control properties */
531  IfxSent_Sent_Interrupt interrupt; /**< \brief Specifies the interrupt control properties structure */
532  boolean spcModeOn; /**< \brief Specifies the SENT SPC mode enable/disable */
536 /** \brief Specifies the SENT module configuration structure
537  */
538 typedef struct
539 {
540  Ifx_SENT *module; /**< \brief Specifies pointer to SENT registers */
541  boolean sleepModeEnabled; /**< \brief Specifies SENT enable/disable */
542  uint32 timeStampPreDivider; /**< \brief Specifies the pre-divider to get clock in time stamp */
545 /** \brief Specifies the frame configuration structure for a channel
546  */
547 typedef struct
548 {
549  uint32 data; /**< \brief Contains the data from last received frame */
550  uint32 timeStamp; /**< \brief Contains the timestamp of last received frame */
551  uint8 statusNibble; /**< \brief Contains the status and communication Nibble of last received frame */
554 /** \brief Specifies received message frame
555  */
556 typedef struct
557 {
558  uint8 crc; /**< \brief Contains the received CRC value */
559  uint8 messageId; /**< \brief Contains the received message ID value */
560  uint16 serialData; /**< \brief Contains the received serial data value */
561  IfxSent_ConfigBit configBit; /**< \brief Contains the received configuration bit value */
564 /** \} */
566 /** \addtogroup IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Module
567  * \{ */
569 /******************************************************************************/
570 /*-------------------------Global Function Prototypes-------------------------*/
571 /******************************************************************************/
573 /** \brief Reset the SENT module
574  * \param driver pointer to the SENT module handler
575  * \return None
576  */
579 /** \brief Initialise the SENT with the supplied configureation
580  * \param driver pointer to the SENT module handler
581  * \param config pointer to the SENT module configuration
582  * \return TRUE if valid configuration otherwise FALSE
583  *
584  * Usage example: see \ref IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Usage
585  *
586  */
589 /** \brief Initialise buffer with default SENT configuration
590  * \param config pointer to the SENT module configuration
591  * \param sent base address of the SENT register space
592  * \return None
593  *
594  * Usage example: see \ref IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Usage
595  *
596  */
597 IFX_EXTERN void IfxSent_Sent_initModuleConfig(IfxSent_Sent_Config *config, Ifx_SENT *sent);
599 /** \} */
601 /** \addtogroup IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Channel
602  * \{ */
604 /******************************************************************************/
605 /*-------------------------Inline Function Prototypes-------------------------*/
606 /******************************************************************************/
608 /** \brief Copies the current interrupt flags into the Ifx_SENT_CH_INTSTAT structure, and clears the flags in hardware.
609  *
610  * This function should be used in an ISR to retrieve the events which triggered the interrupt.
611  * \param channel Specifies the SENT Channel handle structure
612  * \return Interrupt flags which have been cleared.
613  *
614  * Usage example: see \ref IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Usage
615  *
616  */
619 /******************************************************************************/
620 /*-------------------------Global Function Prototypes-------------------------*/
621 /******************************************************************************/
623 /** \brief Initialize the channel with the supplied configuration
624  * \param channel pointer to the SENT channel
625  * \param config pointer to the SENT channel configuration
626  * \return TRUE if valid configuration otherwise FALSE
627  *
628  * Usage example: see \ref IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Usage
629  *
630  */
633 /** \brief Initialise channel buffer with default SENT channel configuration
634  * \param config pointer to the SENT channel configuration
635  * \param driver pointer to the SENT module handler
636  * \return None
637  *
638  * Usage example: see \ref IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Usage
639  *
640  */
643 /** \brief Reads the nibbles recieved in the Data register
644  * \param channel SENT Channel whose data has to be read
645  * \param frame Data read from the SENT Channel
646  * \return TRUE if data received otherwise false
647  *
648  * Usage example: see \ref IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Usage
649  *
650  */
653 /** \brief reads the Serial data recieved and collected over several SENT frames
654  * \param channel reads the Serial data recieved and collected over several SENT frames
655  * \param message Data pointer pointing to the serial data read from the SENT Channel
656  * \return TRUE if serial message received otherwise false
657  *
658  * Usage example: see \ref IfxLld_Sent_Sent_Usage
659  *
660  */
663 /** \} */
665 /******************************************************************************/
666 /*---------------------Inline Function Implementations------------------------*/
667 /******************************************************************************/
670 {
671  return IfxSent_getAndClearInterruptStatus(channel->driver->sent, channel->channelId);
672 }
675 #endif /* IFXSENT_SENT_H */